What's Changed
- ✨ Hybrid P2P w/kube-vip by @mudler in #109
⚠️ ✨ p2p HA by @mudler in #116- Update goreleaser/goreleaser-action action to v4 by @renovate in #124
- 🤖 Fix versions bump to be uniques by @mudler in #128
- 🐛 Skip SELINUX warnings in fedora builds by @mudler in #127
- K3s versions bump by @ci-robbot in #129
- Update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.6.1 by @renovate in #120
- Repositories bump by @ci-robbot in #132
- Update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.24.2 by @renovate in #131
- Update module github.com/samber/lo to v1.37.0 by @renovate in #133
- Fix link to image support matrix in the docs. by @hellerbarde in #113
- Update module go.uber.org/zap to v1.24.0 by @renovate in #105
- Fix broken documentation about pairing by @oz123 in #134
- Update module golang.org/x/crypto to v0.4.0 by @renovate in #125
- Repositories bump by @ci-robbot in #140
- Check that QR file paths are readable and are not directories by @oz123 in #141
- 🐛 Fixup detection if block is missing by @mudler in #143
- Repositories bump by @ci-robbot in #149
- ⬆️ Kairos core image bump by @ci-robbot in #152
- K3s versions bump by @ci-robbot in #153
New Contributors
- @hellerbarde made their first contribution in #113
- @oz123 made their first contribution in #134
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0