- b4e33ee ⬆️ Bump Kairos base version (#247)
- 8ab6c0d 📖 Update README
- efbbe3c 🐧 Add rocky linux to matrix (#241)
- 7335e45 🔧 Add yamllint and apply fixes (#240)
- 1fe5603 Repositories bump (#205)
- 69612e2 Repositories bump (#219)
- 080aa58 Repositories bump (#229)
- 346818d Repositories bump (#242)
- d4b57f5 Update github.com/mudler/go-pluggable digest to 7710299 (#203)
- 1a5dffa Update github.com/spectrocloud/peg digest to a5208a0 (#199)
- 223c129 Update module github.com/bramvdbogaerde/go-scp to v1.2.1 (#161)
- 204e918 Update module github.com/mudler/edgevpn to v0.20.0 (#225)
- eb56a61 Update module github.com/mudler/yip to v1 (#218)
- 1ff36bd Update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.7.1 (#206)
- 4a94b6c Update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.8.0 (#209)
- 7f8b76d Update module github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 to v2.8.3 (#231)
- cc1240a Update module github.com/onsi/gomega to v1.27.1 (#236)
- 83dc026 Update module github.com/urfave/cli/v2 to v2.24.2 (#192)
- 88a66fd Update module github.com/urfave/cli/v2 to v2.24.3 (#213)
- 41ad302 Update module github.com/urfave/cli/v2 to v2.24.4 (#234)