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Patrick's Quiz

Hack Pack Forking and pulling

Checking your Fork is upto date with master everytime you log on

1. Go to our collab work space and click fork in the top right to copy workspace to YOUR GitHub.


2. EVERY TIME you go to work on YOUR repo check it's up to date with master. If it's behind it will show this so click on pull request on the right. Or look to compare.

behind master

3. To update your version with master click "switch base"


4. Now it's pulling the master to my repo. Click create pull request


5. Add any notes. Only for your reference then click create pull request.


5. If no conflicts click merge


6. Now your repo is up-to-date with current master and you can work on it as normal.


Pulling your work up to the master file

You work on your master exactly as you normally would, once your happy with your alterations and want to send your feature to the main master do the following.

1. In your GitHub click Pull requests then New Pull request


2. Check it's able to merge the alterations between your and the master will be shown below. Then click create pull request


3. Give your merge a title and description. Click create pull request.


On the MASTER project. in Karina's GitHub

1. Go to pull request and click merge pull requests


2. Any alterations effecting others code may need to be discussed but thats the end of that!

Hack Pack Team Project Workflow

1. Open project repo via GitPod

2. Create a branch with the feature you are working on using:

    git branch branch_name

3. Checkout the branch so that you are actually working on that branch:

    git checkout branch_name

4. Write your code and commit as you normally would.

5. When you are ready to commit your branch to your local master, first switch to master and type:

    git checkout master 

6. Then merge the branch with your local master by typing:

    git merge branch_name

7. THEN do

    git status 

and check if the origin/master is ahead of your code and :

8. If it is ahead of your local master do:

    git pull 

Which should merge any changes into your changes. Here is where you can fix any conflicts.

9. Finally do:

    git push 

to push your new code to the origin/master.

10. Delete any branches you've made using:

    git branch -d branch_name

11. Also:

        git branch 

will tell you what branch you are currently on if you forget.


Check out the other mockup:

  • mockup
  • mockup
  • mockup

Visit the live Website : Patrick's Quiz.

Patrick's Quiz is a website that promote Irish culture through the international and amazing Saint Patrick's Day Festival theme. The Goal is to bring people together in a fun and interactive way. It is presented as Pub Quiz game where user can learn about Irish culture and test their their knowledge. They are able to gain points and compare their score with other users. A special event is created at Saint Patrick's Day (The 17th of March) ???

Table of Content :


Project Goals

This website will promote Irish Culture in a creative and fun environment.

Developer and Business Goals

  • Build an interactive website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python...
  • Advertise and Promote Irish Culture :
    • Providing accurate and useful information and facts.
    • Providing a platform where users can have fun and test their knowledge.
    • Providing an excellent User Experience (UX).
    • Using a User Centric Development approach (UCD).

User Goals

  • Learn about Irish culture :
    • Fun facts.
    • Irish spirit and community.
  • Test their knowledge.
  • Gain points.
  • Compare their Score with other users.


Audience Definition

The targeted audience has no age limits and is interested in Ireland and Irish community and in particular Saint Patrick's Day.

The targeted audience for this website is looking for :

  • Playing a fun quiz/game.
  • Being part of a group, a community.
  • Discovering Ireland.

This website is the best way to answer their needs because :

  • It gives information about about Ireland and Irish culture.
  • It provides a platform where users can test their knowledge in a pub quiz.
  • It gives inspiration and motivation for being part of the Saint Patrick's Community.

User Stories

  1. As a first time user, I want the website to be appealing.

  2. As a first time user, I want the navigation to be easy and intuitive.

  3. As a first time user, I want the content to be informative but not overwhelming.

  4. As a first time user, I want to understand immediately what is the website about without the need of looking for it.

  5. As a first time user, I want to learn about Irish culture.

  6. As a first time user, I want to be able to log in.

  7. As a first time user, I want to play the pub quiz.

  8. As a first time user, I want to gain points.

  9. As a first time user, I want to see other users score.

  10. As a returning user, I want to compare my scores.

  11. As a returning user, I want to see my progress.

Design Choices



  • FontAwesome icons will be used for better user experience.
  • The logo and favicon are the same image for comfort and consistency and use the same color scheme as the website.


The color scheme of the website has been extracted from a picture using Adobe Color and swatches are said to be color blind safe by the same website using the accessibility tool.

color scheme


Styling and Feeling


Existing Features

Repeated Features


About Us

Get to Know Paddy

Pub Quiz

Features to Implement in the Future Versions

Technologies Used

Programing Languages

This project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python ...

Frameworks, Libraries and Programs


This project was developed on GitPod Workspaces IDE (Integrated Development Environment) committed and pushed to Github Repository using GitPod Command Line Interface (CLI).

Live Deployment

Local Deployment


When a repository is created on GitHub, it is located on GitHub website ("remotely"). You can create a copy of the repository locally on your machine. This process is called : "Cloning a repository".
When cloning a repository you are actually copying all the data that the repository contains at that time to your machine.

To clone a repository, take the following steps :

  1. Create a GitHub account.

  2. Click on the Code dropdown button above the files list.

  3. There are three options available to clone the repository :

    • using HTTPS
    • using SSH key
    • using GitHub CLI
  4. Choose an option and copy the link given.

  5. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

  6. Open your IDE and in the CLI type : git clone and paste the link copied on step 4.

$ git clone

  1. Press Enter to create your local clone.

For further information please go to Cloning a repository.

Using GitPod

To Clone a repository Using GitPod, take the following steps :

  1. Create a GitHub account.
  2. Install the GitPod extension for Chrome or Add-on for Firefox.
  3. Navigate to the corresponding repository.
  4. Click ont the GitPod button on the top right of the files list.
  5. This will open a workspace on GitPod where you can work on the repository locally.

The very first time that you do this, you need to connect GitPod and GitHub together. You need to log in with GitHub and launch your workspace (As explain above). And then you need to authorize GitPod to be able to access your GitHub account. You agree to GitPod's terms and conditions, and then create a free account. Then, it will open the workspace for you. Quote from : "Creating a GitPod Workspace" on Code Institute Full Stack Software Development Programme, by Matt Rudge.

Using GitHub Desktop

An other option is available : GitHub Desktop. It consist of cloning a repository from GitHub to GitHub Desktop.
For full information about how to use this option, please visit GitHub Docs.


Forking a repository will copy it in your own repositories in GitHub.

A fork is a personal copy of another user's repository that lives on your account. Forks allow you to freely make changes to a project without affecting the original upstream repository. You can also open a pull request in the upstream repository and keep your fork synced with the latest changes since both repositories are still connected.

To Fork a repository take the following steps :

  1. Create a GitHub account.
  2. Navigate to the corresponding repository.
  3. Identify the fork button on the top right of the page and click on it.
  4. Now you should find a copy of the repository in Your repositories.


Testing information are published in a separate file :



Issue : Solve :


Issue :


Content :

For general database on software development.

Social Media links :


Images :

Aknowledgements :

Special thanks to all Code Institute's team ("Teacher", Lecturers and Tutors) that are making me more knowledgeable and are making this happen.

Huge thank you to the Slack community, its all the members and all the leads and tutors for their help and support.