This project provides 18-pathology diagnosis from chest x-rays using TorchXRayVision. It is deployed on AWS Lambda and must be accessed via a AWS SDK, as AWS API Gateway is not feasible due to exceeding the 30-second timeout limit when waking from a cold start.
- Diagnosis for 18 chest X-ray pathologies, including Atelectasis, Cardiomegaly, Consolidation, Edema, Effusion, Emphysema, Enlarged Cardiomediastinum, Fibrosis, Fracture, Hernia, Infiltration, Lung Lesion, Lung Opacity, Mass, Nodule, Pleural Thickening, Pneumonia, and Pneumothorax.
- Detection of out-of-distribution images using an auto-encoder to prevent predictions on images that are different from the training data.
- Grad-CAM visualisation to highlight regions of interest in X-ray images
- TorchXRayVision: For chest X-ray analysis
- GitHub Actions
- Docker
- Terraform
- AWS Lambda
Function name: ai-chest-xray-diagnosis-api
- base64Img (string, required): The base64-encoded string of the chest x-ray image.
- reconstructionThreshold (float, optional): The threshold for the reconstruction error to determine if the image is in-distribution. Default is 8000.
- ssimThreshold (float, optional): The Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) threshold to determine if the image is in-distribution. Default is 0.62.
- gradCamThreshold (float, optional): The threshold for pathology scores above which Grad-CAM images are generated. Default is 0.44.
Example Request:
"base64Img": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAB4AAAAL...",
"reconstructionThreshold": 8000,
"ssimThreshold": 0.62,
"gradCamThreshold": 0.44
- Example Response (200 OK)
"reconstructionError": 3334.66796875,
"ssim": 0.7661488930884929,
"inDistribution": true,
"prediction": {
"Atelectasis": 0.5357859134674072,
"Consolidation": 0.14535437524318695,
"Infiltration": 0.5115969181060791,
"Pneumothorax": 0.08925247937440872,
"Edema": 0.0008359009516425431,
"Emphysema": 0.5003246068954468,
"Fibrosis": 0.5113949179649353,
"Effusion": 0.11136345565319061,
"Pneumonia": 0.0503874197602272,
"Pleural_Thickening": 0.5349103212356567,
"Cardiomegaly": 0.4702714681625366,
"Nodule": 0.5080699920654297,
"Mass": 0.5646909475326538,
"Hernia": 0.995814323425293,
"Lung Lesion": 0.0018308708677068353,
"Fracture": 0.5114134550094604,
"Lung Opacity": 0.2932303249835968,
"Enlarged Cardiomediastinum": 0.10778136551380157
"gradCam": {
"Atelectasis": "iVBORw0KGg...",
"Infiltration": "iVBORw0...",
"Emphysema": "iVBORw0KGg...",
"Fibrosis": "iVBORw0KAAN...",
"Pleural_Thickening": "iVBORw0K...",
"Cardiomegaly": "iVBORw...",
"Nodule": "iVBORw0KGg...",
"Mass": "iVBORw0KGgoA...",
"Hernia": "iVBORw0KG...",
"Fracture": "iVBORw0KGgoA...",