generate .ts api files by swagger.json
npm install swagger-codegen-next -g
yarn global add swagger-codegen-next
// swagger-codegen.config.js
const path = require("path");
const cwd = process.cwd();
module.exports = {
// swagger文件地址
url: "http://***/swagger.json",
// 输出目录
output: {
path: path.join(cwd, "services"), // default
// 获取接口模块名称
getModuleName(url) {
return /api\/([^\/]*)/.exec(url)[1];
// 获取接口名
getMethodName(operationId) {
return operationId;
// 需要跳过生成的接口
exclude: [],
template: {
http: 'import http from "../http";'
Now you can run the swagger-codegen-next:
support HTTP/HTTPS
{ "url": "http://***.swaggger.json" // https://***.swagger.json }
support absolute path
{ "url": path.resolve(__dirname, "./swagger.json") }
The output property tells swagger-codegen-next
where to emit the api files .
output: {
path: path.join(cwd, 'services') // default
The getModuleName method can help swagger-codegen-next
to group the APIs.
return /api\/([^\/]*)/.exec(url)[1]
add getMethodName
to support to customize the name of a method.
skip target swagger paths
exclude: ["/api/user/add"]