ASP.NET Bakery Site from WebMatrix Gallery. The purpose is to demo diagnostics feature in Azure Websites.
Create a New Database by Importing BACPAC File.
The BACPAC file is under site/app_data folder
Update the Web.config with the new SQL connection string.
##Scenarios ###Slowness click the "Carrot Cake"
###spike CPU Each request to "Lemon Tart" will do a small "calculation", stressing this this page will generate a high CPU scenario.
This command uses 10 threads to generate 1,000 requests totally. tinyget -srv:"" -uri:"" -x:10 -l:100
###Memory Leak Each request to this site will "leak" small part of managed memory. stressign this site, the memory usage will keep going up.
Each request to Cupcakes ("/order/3") leaks memory much faster. Stress this site if you want agressive leak.
This command uses 10 threads to generate 1,000 requests totally. The private bytes will exceed 500MB in a minute.
tinyget -srv:"" -uri:"" -x:10 -l:100
###Exception click the "Pear Tart"
###Click the button below to deploy the site to Azure Websites