Shiny application to interactively visualize conos results. Users can visualize dendrograms of the hierarchical community structure of clusters calculated from walktrap clustering. Interactive heatmaps allow users to explore the composition of clusters, similarity of the cluster compositions, and related tSNE plots.
After creating a Conos object (please follow the walkthrough here), simply use the function conosShinyApp()
Note: Before using the conosViz
, users must first run findCommunities(method=walktrap.communities)
to calculate walktrap clustering:
## create a Conos object `conos_object` using Conos$new(), then built a joint graph and cluster
If you find conosViz
useful for your publication, please cite:
Viktor Petukhov and Evan Biederstedt (2020). conosViz: Shiny App to
Visualize Conos Dendrograms and Heatmaps. R package version 0.1.0.