this was my first shot real at a forge mod, i learnt a lot of java so even if at most 2 ppl used it, it was worth it. Im keeping this here as code refrence/for the nostalgia of it
this is kokomod This site was built using Sticks And Bones.
this = null;
problem:probject:test: Could not find net.minecraftforge:forgeBin:1.8.9- Searched in the following locations:
solution: run setupDecompWorkspace dummy EXPLANATION: if you do code fiddling bad things happen
PROBLEM: while decompworkspace Execution failed for task ':decompileMc'. > Java heap space
SOLUTION: Add org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2G
to in root folder of project
EXPLANATION: java just likes ram ok
PROBLEM: while runClient Resolving dependency configuration 'runtimeOnly' is not allowed as it is defined as 'canBeResolved=false'. Instead, a resolvable ('canBeResolved=true') dependency configuration that extends 'runtimeOnly' should be resolved.
SOLUTION: gen IntelliJ runs and run via IntelliJ little drop down saying "Minecraft Client"
EXPLANATION: haven't figured this one yet, but I assume 2015 projects trying to run in 2022 ide 's
PROBLEM: While build error: package org.jetbrains.annotations does not exist import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
SAlALUTINATO: add compile 'org.jetbrains:annotations:16.0.2'
dependency to the build.gradle file.
EXPLANATION: you cant use a library which you don't have
PROBLEM: while decompworkspaceExecution failed for task ':fixMcSources'.> com.cloudbees.diff.PatchException: Cannot find hunk target
SOLUTION: use java 8, run cleanCache gradle cache then: settings (alt+ctrl+s) | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Jradle JVM and set that to java 8
EXPLANATION: com.cloudbees just doesn't like >java 8 you know
PROBLEM: when running client from IntelliJ run Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mojang/authlib/exceptions/AuthenticationException
SOLUTION: to into the gradle tool window on right side and click that "Reload All gradle projects" at the top left
EXPLANATION: for some reason sometimes half of the libs are missing