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Benchmark: Opteron 24

kjn edited this page Nov 9, 2011 · 3 revisions
  • Test date: 8 Nov 2011
  • lbzip2 versions: 2.0 and 0.23
  • Tester: Laszlo Ersek [email protected]


CPU: Opteron 6172. 12 cores per dual die, 1 thread per core. 512 KB L2 cache for each core. See for more details. This server has two dual dies (24 cores in total).

RAM: 64 GB. 4 NUMA nodes of 16 GB each, one die for one node.

Software: RHEL-6.1 (kernel: 2.6.32-131.0.15.el6.x86_64, gcc: Red Hat 4.4.5-6).

Payload: pages-articles.xml.bz2 from, dump date 20111007, announced on 10/08/11 20:52.


Decompression tests

  • input size: 7,772,913,930 (pages-articles.xml.bz2 as downloaded)
  • input was read from under /dev/shm (tmpfs)
  • output was written to /dev/null
                            bzip2-1.0.5  lbzip2-0.23  lbzip2-2.0
real [s]                        1821.09       130.65       89.05
user [s]                        1761.00      3030.23     2075.51
sys [s]                           52.53        95.75       55.39
cpu/real [%]                      99.58      2392.64     2392.93
average cpu usage [%]              4.15        99.69       99.71
throughput [bytes/s]            4268276     59494175    87287074
throughput ratio to bzip2-1.0.5                13.94       20.45
throughput ratio to lbzip2-0.23                             1.47

Compression tests

  • input size: 34,430,319,202 (downloaded file decompressed with bzip2)
  • both input and output was stored under /dev/shm (tmpfs)
  • output was saved in order to check output size
                                  bzip2-1.0.5    lbzip2-0.23     lbzip2-2.0
real [s]                              6855.85         384.00         265.47
user [s]                              6828.04        8916.39        6151.04
sys [s]                                 26.73         273.43         174.82
cpu/real [%]                            99.98        2393.18        2382.89
average cpu usage [%]                    4.17          99.72          99.29
throughput [bytes/s]                  5022035       89662290      129695706
throughput ratio to bzip2-1.0.5                        17.85          25.83
throughput ratio to lbzip2-0.23                                        1.45
compressed size [bytes]            7772913930     7777409245     7775350989
size ratio to bzip2-1.0.5 [%]                         100.06         100.03
size ratio to lbzip2-0.23 [%]                                         99.97
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