ZARD Music Station is a Web Site about one of my favorite musician Izumi Sakai's most songs,images and videos. You can not only listen her songs online but also read her lyrics on this site.
Please visit
This site is based on Ruby 1.9.2 & Rails 3.0.3 and deployed on Heroku.
- gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
- gem 'jquery-rails'
- gem 'haml'
- gem 'haml-rails'
- gem 'authlogic', :git => '', :branch => 'rails3'
- gem 'will_paginate','~> 3.0.pre2'
- jquery-rails : add jquery support to rails project smartly
- haml : i used it to replace the html.erb
- haml-rails : can create .haml file by rails generator auto
- authlogic : used to control user's authentication
- will_paginate : used to paginate @songs and @images
When download project ,run bundle first
bundle install
Migrate database
rake db:migrate
Run server
rails server
Open browser at