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Kolbot Leecher Starter
- D2BotFollow
- D2BotChannel
Before you start editing leecher starter, be sure to configure properly D2BotLead.
1. D2BotFollow, is used to join games between players on the same computer. You have to add this file as a starter to your profile which is a leecher. In these example we have two leechers profiles
- Now you have to open and edit D2BotFollow file with notepad++. We will start with basic settings. In this example we will set channel to "KOLBOT" exactly the same like for D2BotLead and a message "I'm a leecher". Now channel for leecher and leader is the same.
- Lines 2, 3 , 4 are easy to setup.
JoinChannel: **"KOLBOT"**, // Name of the channel to join
FirstJoinMessage: **"I'm leecher"**, // Message to say when first joining a channel, usually ".login"
ChatActionsDelay: 2, // Seconds to wait in lobby before entering a channel
- From line 6 to 16 is some less important part and you shouldn't have to change here anything.
Now goes the most important part. Here we set which profile of leecher follows leaders profile. In this example our leader is profile named LeaderKolton and we have two profiles of leechers LeecherDentist and ANYLeecher. - From line 19 to 29 we have an example of proper settings
- We edit line 32 and focus on "Leader": ["Leecher"] at the bottom. Follow the guide we must change now Leader/leechers names of our profiles.
!!! !!! !!! BE careful Profile names are CaSe SeNsItIvE !!! !!! !!!
"LeaderKolton": ["LeecherDentist", "ANYLeecher"]
- If u have several leechers joining only one leader you can make it simplier like that:
var JoinSettings = {
"LeaderKolton": ["all"]
- If u have many leaders leechers it's not a problem you can set them all using coma between lines
var JoinSettings = {
"LeaderKolton": ["all"],
"Leader2": ["leecher1","leecher2","leecher3"],
"Leader3": ["leecher4"]
Don't use coma at last line or if u have only one line
- Now your basic settings are done and your Followers will join your Leader. You can start your bot.
Here are some additional setting for more experienced users. You can set join delay to your leechers.
From line 36 to 48 we have an example. - To create advanced setting skip to line 49
"LeecherDentist": {JoinDelay: 3},
"ANYLeecher": {JoinDelay:6}
Remember not to use coma at the end!
2. D2BotChannel, is used to join games from both channel announcements and friend list announcements. That means that you can use this starter when want to join games that are runned on other computer. In this example we will join channel "KOLBOT" and our first message will be "I'm from other dimension".
- Lines 2, 3 , are easy to setup.
var StarterConfig = {
JoinChannel: "KOLBOT", // Name of the channel to join
`FirstJoinMessage: "I'm from other dimension", // Message to say when first joining a channel, usually ".login"``
- In line 7 we have to set what games we are seeking, in this example "FASTBAAL-", "csRun-", "Kolbot-Runs". If games have password we need to supply it if not please leave it blank.
Games: ["FASTBAAL-", "csRun-", "Kolbot-Runs"], // List of games to look for. Example: Games: ["some baal-", "chaos run-"],
Passwords: ["", "password", "otherpassword"], // List of game passwords. Each array in Games array should have a matching element in Passwords. Use "" for blank pw.
To use friend list you need to set a delay between retries in seconds, to disable it set to "0".
Settings between line 12 to 21 are not so important and should stay unchanged.
From line 24 to 41 we have an example of advanced settings for more experienced users.
In line 45 we set a delay for our leechers to join games.
"ANYLeecher": {JoinChannel: "KOLBOT", JoinDelay: 1},
"LeecherDentist": {JoinChannel: "KOLBOT", JoinDelay: 2}