Help to add telegram accounts with referral code to bots which have referral system
pip install -r requirements.txt
Description for fileds
BOT_NAME - public name of bot without @ symbol (example_random_bot)
COUNT - amount of account which will be used, integer value
REFER_ID - your referal ID which you got from bot ( , set only 12345)
DELAY_MIN - minimum delay in seconds between working each account
DELAY_MAX - maximum delay in seconds between working each account
AUTH - set 1 if you don't have sessions files in folder ./sessions otherwise 0
RUN - set 1 if you have session files and want start script
(How get API_ID and API_HASH follow autorize, create application and you will get credentials)
There are 3 diffrent format for proxies (ONLY SOCKS5)
NO PROXY (leave file empty)
If you don't have session files in folder sessions you must set params AUTH=1 , RUN=1, otherwise AUTH=0, RUN=1
5. After run script you should autorize on each account then you will get session files into folder sessions and bot starts add with your referal code
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.