This is the repository of Github Automation using python.
Do you want to make Github repository with just single command line. Well, then you are at right place. Just follow the instruction given below
- Clone the repo in your machine
- Save the script in a convenient location
- Write Your Github User Name in the place of UserName
- Write Your Github password in the place of Password
- Write path of dirver loaction in executable_path
- Save The file
1. Selenium
2. Chrome webdriver
3. Firefox webdriver
Simply just do "pip install selenium" in your commande line prompt (make sure you have installed the python in your computer)
- Click Start and type powershell
- Right-click Windows Powershell and choose Run as Administrator (make sure it is on administration mode)
- Paste the following link command into Powershell and press enter: Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; `iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
- Answer Yes when prompted
- Close and re-open an elevated PowerShell window to start using choco
- open your commande prompt and run it as administration
- writechoco install chromedrive r and press enter
- It will get download
How ever if you have any problem to download chocolatey you can go to this link for help:
And if you have problem regarding chrome driver you can go to this link for help
- Go to this link to download the Firefox web driver
- Scroll down and select the suitable web driver version for your system
- Download it
- Extract the zip file in a convenient location of your system
- Make sure you put this script file in very conveniant drictory of system So, you dont have to write long cd commands to navigate in the directory
- Open the command prompt as administrator
- Just write this command in your command prompt "python.exe C: Script Loction path\" and hit the enter button.
- Choose the browser that you want to open for Github