Detect singles and K-nearest neighbors in 2D dimension space
- Console code examples for K-nearest neighbors (knn) and singles
- Gui code examples for knn and singles (WPF with animation and mouse interaction, i.e. dynamic data)
- Algorithm strategy option between Grid, Naive and KdTree
- Option to apply knn on same type points only
- Euclidean distance is used
About Single detection? Read this blog.
The red colors are the identified singles.
About K-nearest neighbor? Read this blog.
The origin in the center is the red color.
You can move the mouse pointer around and the neighbors will be updated.
The pink colors are the nearest neighbors and are slightly larger in size.
Nearest neighbors by same type only. The origin is the red and the same type are all the purple colors.
The identified nearest neighbors are the purple colors slightly larger in size
(Only supported in Naive and Grid strategy algorithm).