HighwayTools v9.9 - Plugin for Lambda
- Migrated to Lambda's advanced plugin system
- Long term invenory management
- Dynamic material restock from shulker boxes and ender chests
- Built in native AutoObsidian. Enable option
Storage Management > Grind Obsidian
- Saves minimum requirements of materials
- No mouse grab on container open
- Choose to run HWT only for e.g. 500 distance using:
;ht distance 500
- Choose to enable AntiAFK or disconnect from server when out of materials
- Fixed AutoEat not eating when GUI is open
- Fixed unbreakables
- Fixed stuck caused by signs
- Get latest Lambda release
- Open Lambda menu in main menu to open plugin settings
- Press
Open Plugin Folder
- Move plugin into the folder
Any suggestions and questions: Constructor#9948 on Discord Made by @Avanatiker
Report bugs on Issues and if not possible message EnigmA_008#1505 on Discord.
Copyright ©2021. Constructor#9948 alias Avanatiker. All Rights Reserved. Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for educational, research, and not-for-profit purposes, without fee and without a signed licensing agreement, is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice, this paragraph appear in all copies, modifications, and distributions.
By downloading this software you agree to be bound by the terms of service.