Update Laminas packages (major) #357
10 errors
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/CodeGenerator/FactoryGenerator.php:59:28: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/CodeGenerator/FactoryGenerator.php:192:45: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/CodeGenerator/FactoryGenerator.php:193:45: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/CodeGenerator/FactoryGenerator.php:194:45: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/CodeGenerator/GeneratorTrait.php:57:13: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/CodeGenerator/InjectorGenerator.php:74:36: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/Config.php:170:13: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/Config.php:225:13: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type null|string contains type string, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/Container/AutowireFactory.php:61:71: RiskyTruthyFalsyComparison: Operand of type array<array-key, mixed>|null contains type array<array-key, mixed>, which can be falsy and truthy. This can cause possibly unexpected behavior. Use strict comparison instead. (see https://psalm.dev/356)
Psalm [8.1, locked]:
src/DefaultContainer.php:60:25: ParamNameMismatch: Argument 1 of Laminas\Di\DefaultContainer::has has wrong name $name, expecting $id as defined by Psr\Container\ContainerInterface::has (see https://psalm.dev/230)