Our research on time-varying density control of robotic swarms for the annual Nordic Conference in Advance Topics in Control (NCATIC)
This it the repository for our project for the course Advanced Topics in Control at ETH spring 2023. Check out the project website for more information and visualizations.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running main.py will reproduce the results from the paper. To be able to run the walking man example you have to download the mp4 video from this link and place it at:
└── man_walking.mp4
Note that he required interpolation is time consuming and not entirely stable. For convinience you can download the precomputed interpolation coefficients from this link and place the file at:
└── walking_man
└── resolution64.pt
To run the demonstration run python main.py. This will write some visualizations to the sims/ folder.
Note that for the Nordic Conference in Advance Topics in Control is purely fictional and only excists in the minds of the authors- for now, at least.