Udananonative - Project n°3 "A Mobile Flashcards App" from Udacity Nanodegree 2017 "Udacity React"
This application is a [React Native - Redux - React Navigation] App
Clone this repo to your computer with the command:
git clone https://github.com/le-du6/udananonative.git
Go inside the cloning directory:
cd udananonative
Then install the needed modules with the command:
npm install
Don't forget to start the processus with:
npm start
To work correctly with CRNA and Expo - follow the instructions:
R => to refresh and clean cache
a => for Androis simulation
i => for iOS simulation
App has only been fully test on a real iPhone iOS with Expo
BEWARE : when using the app, you can't view an answer before respond to the question with the "Correct" or "Incorrect" buttons.
Somme dummy Decks and Cards are provided as statup