An Automate flow. Use Telegram bot to send sms, make phone calls, etc.
No root needed.
Use Telegram bot to:
- Send sms
- Make phone calls
- Answer/end calls
- Get phone location
- Reduce spam by automacally answer and hang up calls
Buy and install Automate to your phone
Install in Automate
Click on "Edit" (right buttom floating button), Edit Telegram bot token and whitelist
If you don't know your Telegram user id for whitelist, check UserID Bot
Go to Automate settings, check "Run on system startup", also set SMS/call rate limit if you need.
Use it with to also get notified on incoming SMSs and calls. You can use the same userid and bot token on both softwares :3
Setup command list with:
curl -H 'Content-type: application/json' -d '{"commands": [{"command":"call","description":"/call [subid] [toNumber]"},{"command":"sms","description":"/sms [subid] [toNumber] [text]"},{"command":"accept","description":"Accept the call."},{"command":"decline","description":"Decline the call."}, {"command": "autoanswer", "description": "/autoanswer [0|1] Set automatically answer the call and hang up after 2 secs."}, {"command": "getLocation", "description": "Get device location."}]}'