== get_json_req_resp_from_har
Nodejs utility to get contentType application/json content
== Installation
- Pull down repository
- Install dependencies
npm install
== Run
nodejs index.js --file=YOUR_HAR_FILE.har --output=WANTED_CSV_FILE_NAM.csv
== Options available
- -o, --output // output csv file name
- -f, --file // har file name
== Todo
- Better design pattern
- Better documentation
- Show --help command
- Implement test
- Add .jshint
- Add validations
- Add benchmarks
- Add .editorconfig
== List of 'improvements'
- Display menu with options
- Better options like:
- Display all available response and request information available
- Add .json configuration to parse objects
- Display 'working' progress bar
- Export to csv only content where url + params are unique.