- 1. What is Bot-lg
- 2. Prerequisite
- 3. Install Bot-lg
- 4. Finalise the install
- 5. Start and stop Bot-lg
- 6. Project structure
- 7. Discord server requirements
- 8. Bot commands
- 9. Permissions
- 10. Authors
- 11. Contributors
Bot-lg is a Discord bot giving access to helpful commands, making Game master's life easier during a Werewolf game on Discord.
DISCLAIMER: Commands, choice options and descriptions are in French. I will search for a way to translate them according to the locale set.
- Create a Discord application
- In the OAuth2 tab:
- Select the "bot" scope
- Select the permissions listed in permissions.md
- Add your new bot to your Discord server using the generated link
Note: Please, make sure to keep your bot token to fill the app/config.json file later.
If you are a make user, a Makefile is available!
Intall the make
- Clone or download Bot-lg project from github
- Create the required configuration files in the project using the following
Template file | Final file |
.dist.env |
.env |
app/config.dist.json |
app/config.json |
docker/mongodb.dist.env |
docker/mongodb.env |
At this point, Bot-lg is ready to start.
In order to initialise and start Bot-lg, you need to follow these steps:
- Open a bash command line at the project root
- Issue the following commands:
sudo docker image build --no-cache --tag node:botlg --file Dockerfile
sudo docker-compose run botlg pnpm install
sudo docker-compose up --detach
- Open a bash command line at the project root
make prepare start
You can see all other make rules using make
or make help
To start and stop Bot-lg you can issue the following commands:
- Start Bot-lg:
sudo docker-compose up --detach
- Stop Bot-lg:
sudo docker-compose down
To start and stop Bot-lg you can use the available make rules:
- Start Bot-lg:
make start
- Stop Bot-lg:
make stop
+-- app/ : contains the Bot-lg app
| +-- commands/ : contains Bot-lg commands
| | +-- admin/ : contains commands reserved to 'Admin' role
| | +-- everyone/ : contains commands reserved to 'Everyone' role
| | +-- game-master/ : contains commands reserved to 'Maître du jeu' role
| |
| +-- functions/ : custom modules
| | +-- index.js : main file which exports the custom modules
| |
| +-- localisation/ : contains Bot-lg localisation files
| | +-- index.js : main file for the module to be exported
| | +-- *.json : translation files
| |
| +-- logs/ : log files for all Discord servers the application is member of
| | +-- .gitignore : elements ignored by git in logs directory
| |
| +-- .gitignore : elements ignored by git in the app directory
| +-- config.dist.json : configuration file template for the Bot-lg app
| +-- delete-commands.js : script to delete commands on the server configured in config.json
| +-- deploy-commands.js : script to deploy commands only on the server configured in config.json or on all the servers
| +-- index.js : main file to run Bot-lg
| +-- package.json : node dependencies to be installed
| +-- pnpm-lock.yaml : node dependencies to be installed
+-- docker/
| +-- .dockerignore : elements to ignore by docker
| +-- .gitignore : elements to ignore by git
| +-- Dockerfile : Botlg development image build file
| +-- mongodb.dist.env : environment variables template file for MongoDB container
+-- mkdocs/ : Bot-lg MkDocs directory
| +-- build/ : MkDocs build directory
| | +-- en/ : MkDocs build files for the English part of the website
| | +-- fr/ : MkDocs build files for the French part of the website
| | +-- robots.txt : File to avoid being shown on search engines
| |
| +-- common/ : Files shared between all parts of the website
| +-- config/ : MkDocs configurations
| +-- docs/ : Bot-lg documentation to be built for the website
+-- .dist.env : docker-compose environment variables file template
+-- .dockerignore : elements to ignore by docker
+-- .gitignore : elements to ignore by git
+-- botlg-app.Dockerfile : Botlg App production image build file
+-- botlg-web.Dockerfile : Botlg Web production image build file
+-- docker-compose.yml : docker-compose file
+-- logo.zip : Bot-lg logo by Kévin BOURBASQUET
+-- Makefile : all make rules available to manage 'botlg' container
+-- permissions.md : list of permissions needed by the application
+-- README.md : project documentation
In this section you can find the required elements for you Discord server.
Before initialising you server, choose a language with the configuerer langue
command. Then, with the command initialiser
, Bot-lg will create all the required channels and roles with the correct permissions for you and save them in its database.
Here is the list of the roles Bot-lg will create and manage:
Role ids | Name | Types | Descriptions |
roleAngelId | Angel | Solo, then Villager | Has to die in the first daily vote. If it is a success, the game is over and the player wins. Else, they become a villager. |
roleAssassinId | Assassin | Solo | Once per night, can kill someone. |
roleCupidId | Cupid | Villager | During the first night, chooses 2 lovers. |
roleDeadId | Dead | Dead Player | When a player is eliminated, this role replaces the other one(s). Can talk to Shaman at night. |
roleElderId | Elder | Villager | Can survive to 1 werewolf attack. If the player dies during the daily vote, all villager-type players lose their abilities. |
roleEnchantedId | Enchanted | Additional | Chosen by Flutist. Cannot attempt to kill Flutist and have to defend them. |
roleFlutistId | Flutist | Solo | Once per night, can enchant 2 players who cannot attempt to kill their master and have to defend them. |
roleGameMasterId | Game master | Moderator | Game Master. |
roleGuardId | Guard | Villager | Once per night, protects someone from the werewolves attack, but cannot protect the same person twice in a row. |
roleHunterId | Hunter | Villager | When eliminated, the player can kill someone else. |
roleInfectedId | Infected | Additional, Werewolf | Chosen by Infected werewolf. Becomes a werewolf, but keeps his original role. If inspected by Seer, the role shown is the original one. |
roleInfectedWerewolfId | Infected werewolf | Werewolf | Once per game, after the werewolves vote, chooses to infect the villager chosen by his mates, making them become a werewolf. |
roleLoversId | Lovers | Additional | Chosen by Cupid. If the 2 lovers are villagers, they win with the village. Else, they win in solo. If one of the lovers fall, so is the other. |
roleMutedId | Muted | Additional | Role given by Game Master to mute players. |
roleOiledId | Oiled | Additional | Chosen by Pyromaniac. Dies when Pyromaniac chooses to burn his victims. |
rolePyromaniacId | Pyromaniac | Solo | Once per night, chooses to oil someone or to ignite those who were previously oiled. |
roleReaperId | Reaper | Villager | Alive, acts as a villager. Dead, can talk to the other dead players and vote during the two daily vote following the player's death. |
roleSeerId | Seer | Villager | Once per night, can see someone's role. |
roleShamanId | Shaman | Villager | At night, can listen the dead players. |
roleVillagerId | Villager | Villager | Has no ability. |
roleWerewolfId | Werewolf | Werewolf | Once per night, votes to kill a villager. |
roleWhiteWerewolfId | White werewolf | Solo Werewolf | Acts with the werewolves, but can kill one of their mates every other night. |
roleWitchId | Witch | Villager | Once per night, chooses to use a potion or not. Has 2 potions per game: one to resurrect the werewolves' victim, another to kill someone. |
Types explaination:
- Additional: This role is added to the player roles. The player can use the abilities provided by their first role and all their additional roles.
- Dead Player: Players who have been eliminated.
- Moderator: Game manager. A player cannot be Game Master
- Solo: Wins when all other players are eliminated.
- Villager: Wins when all threats (werewolves and solos) are eliminated.
- Werewolf: Wins when all villagers and solos are eliminated.
Here is the list of the channels Bot-lg will create and manage:
Channels ids | Name | Description |
textChannelAngelId | angel | Text channel used by role Angel. |
textChannelAssassinId | assassin | Text channel used by role Assassin. |
textChannelCupidId | cupid | Text channel used by role Cupid. |
textChannelDeadId | dead | Text channel used by role Dead. Shaman can read it but not send messages. |
textChannelElderId | elder | Text channel used by role Elder. |
textChannelEnchantedId | enchanted | Text channel used by role Enchanted. |
textChannelFlutistId | flutist | Text channel used by role Flutist. |
textChannelGameMasterId | game-master | Text channel used by the role Game master. |
textChannelGuardId | guard | Text channel used by role Guard. |
textChannelHunterId | hunter | Text channel used by role Hunter. |
textChannelInfectedId | infected | Text channel used by role Infected. |
textChannelInfectedWerewolfId | infected-werewolf | Text channel used by role Infected werewolf. |
textChannelLoversId | lovers | Text channel used by role Lovers. |
textChannelOiledId | oiled | Text channel used by role Oiled. |
textChannelPyromaniacId | pyromaniac | Text channel used by role Pyromaniac. |
textChannelReaperId | reaper | Text channel used by role Reaper. |
textChannelSeerId | seer | Text channel used by role Seer. |
textChannelShamanId | shaman | Text channel used by role Shaman. |
textChannelVillageId | village | Text channel used to discuss to eliminate a player on the day phase of the game. |
textChannelVillagerId | villager | Text channel used by role Villager. |
textChannelWerewolfId | werevolf | Text channel used by roles Werewolf, White werewolf, Infected werewolf and Infected. |
textChannelWhiteWerewolfId | white-werewolf | Text channel used by role Whitewerewolf. |
textChannelWitchId | witch | Text channel used by role Witch. |
voiceChannelGameId | Village square | Vocal channel use by the Bot-lg to fetch the players. |
Here is the list of Bot-lg's commands:
Commands | Roles required to use commands | Descriptions |
roles |
None | Display still alive game roles. If the user is the Game Master, the list contains the members of each role |
assigner |
Game Master | Assigns the given role to the given players |
commencer |
Game Master | Assigns specified roles randomly to all the players |
minuteur |
Game Master | Runs a timer for the specified time (default 3m) |
soleil |
Game Master | There are 2 subcommands: se_couche mutes all players and se_leve unmutes them |
terminer |
Game Master | Remove all game roles from the players |
vote |
Game Master | Prints the specified vote form |
configurer |
Administrator | Prints the current configuration or edits it depending on the chosen subcommand |
initialiser |
Administrator | Prepare the server to play Werewolf by creating roles and channel and adding them to the configuration of the server |
nettoyer |
Administrator | Clears the current text channel |
See permissions.md for more information about required permissions
- Lilian POULIQUEN: Bot creation and development, documentation
- Léandre KERUZEC: Command ideas, Documentation review
- Kévin BOURBASQUET: Bot-lg logo designer and creator