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Bot-lg documentation

Table of content

1. What is Bot-lg

Bot-lg is a Discord bot giving access to helpful commands, making Game master's life easier during a Werewolf game on Discord.

DISCLAIMER: Commands, choice options and descriptions are in French. I will search for a way to translate them according to the locale set.

2. Prerequisite

2.1. For your Discord server

  1. Create a Discord application
  2. In the OAuth2 tab:
    1. Select the "bot" scope
    2. Select the permissions listed in
  3. Add your new bot to your Discord server using the generated link

Note: Please, make sure to keep your bot token to fill the app/config.json file later.

2.2. For Docker application run

2.3. Optionnal

If you are a make user, a Makefile is available! Intall the make command.

3. Install Bot-lg

  1. Clone or download Bot-lg project from github
  2. Create the required configuration files in the project using the following *.dist.* files:
Template file Final file
.dist.env .env
app/config.dist.json app/config.json
docker/mongodb.dist.env docker/mongodb.env

At this point, Bot-lg is ready to start.

4. Finalise the install

In order to initialise and start Bot-lg, you need to follow these steps:

4.1. Classic initialisation

  1. Open a bash command line at the project root
  2. Issue the following commands:
    1. sudo docker image build --no-cache --tag node:botlg --file Dockerfile
    2. sudo docker-compose run botlg pnpm install
    3. sudo docker-compose up --detach

4.2. Initialisation with the make command

  1. Open a bash command line at the project root
  2. make prepare start

You can see all other make rules using make or make help.

5. Start and stop Bot-lg

5.1. Classic commands

To start and stop Bot-lg you can issue the following commands:

  • Start Bot-lg: sudo docker-compose up --detach
  • Stop Bot-lg: sudo docker-compose down

5.2. Make commands

To start and stop Bot-lg you can use the available make rules:

  • Start Bot-lg: make start
  • Stop Bot-lg: make stop

6. Project structure

+-- app/                            : contains the Bot-lg app
|   +-- commands/                   : contains Bot-lg commands
|   |   +-- admin/                  : contains commands reserved to 'Admin' role
|   |   +-- everyone/               : contains commands reserved to 'Everyone' role
|   |   +-- game-master/            : contains commands reserved to 'Maître du jeu' role
|   |
|   +-- functions/                  : custom modules
|   |   +-- index.js                : main file which exports the custom modules
|   |
|   +-- localisation/               : contains Bot-lg localisation files
|   |   +-- index.js                : main file for the module to be exported
|   |   +-- *.json                  : translation files
|   |
|   +-- logs/                       : log files for all Discord servers the application is member of
|   |   +-- .gitignore              : elements ignored by git in logs directory
|   |
|   +-- .gitignore                  : elements ignored by git in the app directory
|   +-- config.dist.json            : configuration file template for the Bot-lg app
|   +-- delete-commands.js          : script to delete commands on the server configured in config.json
|   +-- deploy-commands.js          : script to deploy commands only on the server configured in config.json or on all the servers
|   +-- index.js                    : main file to run Bot-lg
|   +-- package.json                : node dependencies to be installed
|   +-- pnpm-lock.yaml              : node dependencies to be installed
+-- docker/
|   +-- .dockerignore               : elements to ignore by docker
|   +-- .gitignore                  : elements to ignore by git
|   +-- Dockerfile                  : Botlg development image build file
|   +-- mongodb.dist.env            : environment variables template file for MongoDB container
+-- mkdocs/                         : Bot-lg MkDocs directory
|   +-- build/                      : MkDocs build directory
|   |   +-- en/                     : MkDocs build files for the English part of the website
|   |   +-- fr/                     : MkDocs build files for the French part of the website
|   |   +-- robots.txt              : File to avoid being shown on search engines
|   |
|   +-- common/                     : Files shared between all parts of the website
|   +-- config/                     : MkDocs configurations
|   +-- docs/                       : Bot-lg documentation to be built for the website
+-- .dist.env                       : docker-compose environment variables file template
+-- .dockerignore                   : elements to ignore by docker
+-- .gitignore                      : elements to ignore by git
+-- botlg-app.Dockerfile            : Botlg App production image build file
+-- botlg-web.Dockerfile            : Botlg Web production image build file
+-- docker-compose.yml              : docker-compose file
+--                        : Bot-lg logo by Kévin BOURBASQUET
+-- Makefile                        : all make rules available to manage 'botlg' container
+--                  : list of permissions needed by the application
+--                       : project documentation

7. Discord server requirements

In this section you can find the required elements for you Discord server.

Before initialising you server, choose a language with the configuerer langue command. Then, with the command initialiser, Bot-lg will create all the required channels and roles with the correct permissions for you and save them in its database.

7.1. Roles

Here is the list of the roles Bot-lg will create and manage:

Role ids Name Types Descriptions
roleAngelId Angel Solo, then Villager Has to die in the first daily vote. If it is a success, the game is over and the player wins. Else, they become a villager.
roleAssassinId Assassin Solo Once per night, can kill someone.
roleCupidId Cupid Villager During the first night, chooses 2 lovers.
roleDeadId Dead Dead Player When a player is eliminated, this role replaces the other one(s). Can talk to Shaman at night.
roleElderId Elder Villager Can survive to 1 werewolf attack. If the player dies during the daily vote, all villager-type players lose their abilities.
roleEnchantedId Enchanted Additional Chosen by Flutist. Cannot attempt to kill Flutist and have to defend them.
roleFlutistId Flutist Solo Once per night, can enchant 2 players who cannot attempt to kill their master and have to defend them.
roleGameMasterId Game master Moderator Game Master.
roleGuardId Guard Villager Once per night, protects someone from the werewolves attack, but cannot protect the same person twice in a row.
roleHunterId Hunter Villager When eliminated, the player can kill someone else.
roleInfectedId Infected Additional, Werewolf Chosen by Infected werewolf. Becomes a werewolf, but keeps his original role. If inspected by Seer, the role shown is the original one.
roleInfectedWerewolfId Infected werewolf Werewolf Once per game, after the werewolves vote, chooses to infect the villager chosen by his mates, making them become a werewolf.
roleLoversId Lovers Additional Chosen by Cupid. If the 2 lovers are villagers, they win with the village. Else, they win in solo. If one of the lovers fall, so is the other.
roleMutedId Muted Additional Role given by Game Master to mute players.
roleOiledId Oiled Additional Chosen by Pyromaniac. Dies when Pyromaniac chooses to burn his victims.
rolePyromaniacId Pyromaniac Solo Once per night, chooses to oil someone or to ignite those who were previously oiled.
roleReaperId Reaper Villager Alive, acts as a villager. Dead, can talk to the other dead players and vote during the two daily vote following the player's death.
roleSeerId Seer Villager Once per night, can see someone's role.
roleShamanId Shaman Villager At night, can listen the dead players.
roleVillagerId Villager Villager Has no ability.
roleWerewolfId Werewolf Werewolf Once per night, votes to kill a villager.
roleWhiteWerewolfId White werewolf Solo Werewolf Acts with the werewolves, but can kill one of their mates every other night.
roleWitchId Witch Villager Once per night, chooses to use a potion or not. Has 2 potions per game: one to resurrect the werewolves' victim, another to kill someone.

Types explaination:

  • Additional: This role is added to the player roles. The player can use the abilities provided by their first role and all their additional roles.
  • Dead Player: Players who have been eliminated.
  • Moderator: Game manager. A player cannot be Game Master
  • Solo: Wins when all other players are eliminated.
  • Villager: Wins when all threats (werewolves and solos) are eliminated.
  • Werewolf: Wins when all villagers and solos are eliminated.

7.2. Channels

Here is the list of the channels Bot-lg will create and manage:

Channels ids Name Description
textChannelAngelId angel Text channel used by role Angel.
textChannelAssassinId assassin Text channel used by role Assassin.
textChannelCupidId cupid Text channel used by role Cupid.
textChannelDeadId dead Text channel used by role Dead. Shaman can read it but not send messages.
textChannelElderId elder Text channel used by role Elder.
textChannelEnchantedId enchanted Text channel used by role Enchanted.
textChannelFlutistId flutist Text channel used by role Flutist.
textChannelGameMasterId game-master Text channel used by the role Game master.
textChannelGuardId guard Text channel used by role Guard.
textChannelHunterId hunter Text channel used by role Hunter.
textChannelInfectedId infected Text channel used by role Infected.
textChannelInfectedWerewolfId infected-werewolf Text channel used by role Infected werewolf.
textChannelLoversId lovers Text channel used by role Lovers.
textChannelOiledId oiled Text channel used by role Oiled.
textChannelPyromaniacId pyromaniac Text channel used by role Pyromaniac.
textChannelReaperId reaper Text channel used by role Reaper.
textChannelSeerId seer Text channel used by role Seer.
textChannelShamanId shaman Text channel used by role Shaman.
textChannelVillageId village Text channel used to discuss to eliminate a player on the day phase of the game.
textChannelVillagerId villager Text channel used by role Villager.
textChannelWerewolfId werevolf Text channel used by roles Werewolf, White werewolf, Infected werewolf and Infected.
textChannelWhiteWerewolfId white-werewolf Text channel used by role Whitewerewolf.
textChannelWitchId witch Text channel used by role Witch.
voiceChannelGameId Village square Vocal channel use by the Bot-lg to fetch the players.

8. Bot commands

Here is the list of Bot-lg's commands:

Commands Roles required to use commands Descriptions
roles None Display still alive game roles. If the user is the Game Master, the list contains the members of each role
assigner Game Master Assigns the given role to the given players
commencer Game Master Assigns specified roles randomly to all the players
minuteur Game Master Runs a timer for the specified time (default 3m)
soleil Game Master There are 2 subcommands: se_couche mutes all players and se_leve unmutes them
terminer Game Master Remove all game roles from the players
vote Game Master Prints the specified vote form
configurer Administrator Prints the current configuration or edits it depending on the chosen subcommand
initialiser Administrator Prepare the server to play Werewolf by creating roles and channel and adding them to the configuration of the server
nettoyer Administrator Clears the current text channel

9. Permissions

See for more information about required permissions

10. Authors

  • Lilian POULIQUEN: Bot creation and development, documentation

11. Contributors

  • Léandre KERUZEC: Command ideas, Documentation review
  • Kévin BOURBASQUET: Bot-lg logo designer and creator