fortytwo-lang (FTL) is a programming language. The syntax is a mix of C and Python. It is based on the programming language Kaleidoscope from an LLVM tutorial.
The goal for FTL is to compile to LLVM IR at some point in the future.
See Future Thoughts for how the language could look like later on.
See libftl for ideas regarding the standard library of FTL.
To get the documentation of the fortytwo-lang sourcecode, run the following on your local computer:
cargo doc --document-private-items --open
You may don't use these for variable names as they could get keywords in the future.
Memory: ref deref alloc del new default nil
Math: shl shr bitxor bitor bitand
Logic: bool true false and or xor not
Data structures: struct arr const char string list enum
Loops: for in of while
Useful stuff: debug print error def extern
Integer data types: int8 uint8 int16 uint16 int32 uint32 int64 uint64
Floating point number data types: float32 float64