Frequently Asked Questions you should ask yourself before asking them again.
- Google your problem, in English. Keep it simple and gradually add search terms.
- If you have a compile error/waring message, google it directly.
Post your problem on StackOverflow and interact with it's unkind users.
Updates the software that gives you troubles to the latest version (unless otherwise noted).
- Make sure your environment works and you can reproduce the problem.
- "It didn't work at home, but it's working now"
- "Don't worry, I know, we have a magical fix-all aura in our lab, that's why we work here."
- Turn on your PC
- Yes, your PC is old and slow, that's fine.
- Yes, tools nowadays are heavy and slow that's fine.
- Can you fix my computer?
- No.
- I mean, I can, but I won't.
- How can I run a program in (Python|Java|PHP|...)?
- How could you even write a program you could not run??
- The environment won't run on my PC... can you help me install it?
- I mean... I can... but that would be like helping an obese person to a marathon starting line.