- Stable release
- Dev release Has console terminal attatched to binary.
- Works every patch
- Auto accept queue
- Force set draft roles
- Delete lobby from league API
- Dodge lobbies without closing the client
- Quick op.gg search for current user
- Lobby reveal teamates in ranked
- Create lobbies for hidden gamemodes
- Fast custom lobby creator
- Start any lobby/game
- Set profile message, ignoring riot's character limit
- Set user status(online, away, mobile, offline)
- Set user rank
- Remove challenges
- Set glitched challenges
- Duplicate challenges
- Set any mastery points
- Set icon by id(patched: only works on owned id's now)
- Set profile background, every skin/champ is available for choice
- Info of any player using his nickname or id
- List of champions with all info and ability to sort them
- List of skins with all info and ability to sort them
- Launch multiple client
- Force close the client instantly
- Restart client UI
- Accept or delete all friend requests
- Mass invite all friends to lobby
- Mass delete all friends sorted by folders
- Launch legacy client(patched)
- Set custom in-game minimap scale
- Disenchant any loot you want with 1 click (mass disenchant)