- add tagged-release github action pipeline (Zhanhui Li)
Bug Fixes
- rust: fix session life cycle (apache#646) #646 (SSpirits)
- nodejs: send heart beats every 10 seconds (apache#677) #677 (fengmk2)
- cpp tag pattern (Zhanhui Li)
- change third-party repo clone directory (Zhanhui Li)
- checkout grpc (Zhanhui Li)
- grpc tag (Zhanhui Li)
- grep repo path (Zhanhui Li)
- pipeline (Zhanhui Li)
- libraries source path (Zhanhui Li)
- configure automatic_release_tag parameter (Zhanhui Li)
- c38f7d5: fix apache#639 fix semantics of topicOfInterest (apache#642) (Zhanhui Li) #642
- 0aaf9f9: [ISSUE apache#660] Add namespace in java client (apache#661) (Zhouxiang Zhan) #661
- 9004405: [ISSUE apache#660] Add namespace in metadata (apache#671) (Zhouxiang Zhan) #671
- 5ea91c3: [maven-release-plugin] prepare release java-5.0.6 (tigerlee) #674
- 203ec75: [maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration (tigerlee) #674
- 65b70ed: [rust]support message type check on rust client (apache#658) (Qiping Luo) #658
- 2eedee0: [rust] support handling settings command in Producer (apache#682) (Qiping Luo) #682
- 80d9c07: [ISSUE apache#679] Fix judgment of topic route equality and optimize loadBalancer (apache#680) (Liu Shengzhong) #680
- 79582e4: Update .asf.yaml to enable merge java_release_5.0.6 (apache#686) (Zhouxiang Zhan) #686
- 1080874: Revert "Update .asf.yaml to enable merge java_release_5.0.6 (apache#686)" (apache#687) (Zhouxiang Zhan) #687
- 74f3aec: [ISSUE apache#688] Add information about transaction Source on endTransaction Request (apache#689) (Jixiang Jin) #689