This lab introduces you to the fundamental building blocks of HTML webpages. You'll experiment with creating a simple webpage structure and observe how basic code translates into visual elements on a web page.
- File Navigation: Navigate to index.html.
- Boilerplate Generation: Use shortcuts to generate HTML boilerplate.
- Header Tag Insertion: Insert appropriate header tag based on its function.
- Paragraph Tags Insertion: Insert a paragraph tags with the given copy.
- Click the Fork button at the top-right of the repository page to create a copy under your GitHub account.
- Wait for the Code button to appear on your forked repository page.
- Click the Code button and select Open with Codespaces.
- In the terminal, type the following command to start the server:
npx serve .
- When prompted, type y and press return / enter.
- Navigate to the Ports section where the terminal is.
- Click on the globe icon to open the webpage and render your code.
Attention: When you complete a task, put an x
in the middle of the brackets to mark it off your ToDo list.
- Navigate to the
file. - In line 1, type an exclamation point, wait to see the prompt, then hit
. - Inside the body tag, put the appropriate header tag for a main header with the copy:
Hello World!
- Under that, put a paragraph tag under that and copy and paste:
World, this is my first time coding!
- Write another paragraph tag under the previous and copy and pastethis copy:
I'm ready to learn a lot!
🎊 Fantastic work! You just finished your first ever HTML coding demo. 🎊
You can only have 2 active Codespaces at a time in GitHub. Here are steps to show how you maintain them.
- Locate the hamburger menu at the top left of the GitHub website and click it.
- Then click 'Codespaces' from options.
- Using the three dot menu, you can manage, close, delete, etc. your codespaces there. 🛑 Make sure to not use up your cores so keep track of them. 🛑
🛑 Only use this as a reference 🛑
💾 Not something to copy and paste 💾
Note: This lab references a solution file located here (link not shown).