Release v1.5.0
Changes in v1.5.0:
- Improved and cleaned up the bench-marking code for code-generation
- Fixed bug for computing quasicStatic torques under inactive contacts
- Added unit-test code that disables contacts
- Created CoP cost with Python bindings and unit-test
- Multi-threading support for quasicStatic computation in shooting problem
- Modifications in Travis CI + included Gepgitlab CI
- Created contact wrench cone (CWC) cost with Python bindings and unit-test
- Created RK4 integrator with Python bindings and unit-test
- Throw exception for setting candidates xs/us in solvers
- Fixed a few spelling errors in the docstring documentation
- Exposed the KKT solver in Python
- Checked the dimension of the warm-start vectors for xs and us
- Cleaned up some part of the Python code that were using Numpy Matrix (now Numpy Array!)
- Created the 2d contact
- Checked the feasibility by the gap values
- Created the Crocoddyl logo + integrated in the README file