Release v1.7.0
Changes in v1.7.0:
- Updated the examples based on new API in example-robot-data
- Removed reference in std::sized_t (and other primitives)
- Improved computation and handled richer conditions in friction and wrench cone (e.g., inner/outer apprx. in wrench cone, and rotation matrix in friction cone)
- Added more unit-tests for cones
- Included the CoP support notion
- Updated minimal version of EigenPy as it fixes a bug with 4x6 matrices
- Developed a gravity-based cost function for both free and in contact conditions (included its unit-test code)
- Added assignment operator in FrameXXX structures
- Replaced isMuchSmallerThan by isZero in all the unit-tests
- Enabled free-flyer joint in full actuation model
- Improved multicopter actuation API + unit-tests
- Exposed in Python ActionModelUnicyle::dt_
- Fixed multithreading support: running the correct number of threads
- Enabled that the user can set the number of threads (also in Python)
- Added publication list and updated README file
- Registered in Python the shared pointers of all the model classes
- Fixed Meshcat visualizer after update
- Added Github Action CI with ROS dependency resolution
- Improved efficiency of backward pass by defining properly RowMajor matrices
- Activated all warnings and Werror
- Improved documentation