Release v2.0.0
Changes in v2.0.0:
- Changed stopping criteria to better evaluate the converge criteria
- Extended numdiff routines to compute second-order derivatives + other minor improvements
- Improved the overall project documentation (still many things to be done)
- Added collision residual unit tests and missing Python bindings
- Allowed accuracy configuration of verbose callback
- Closed gaps once feasibility is achieved in FDDP
- Supported different Python versions
- Added procedure to check example log files
- Added support to M1 apple chip + fixed compilation issues with Clang
- Fixed a small issue in the solver's Armijo condition
- Added shareMemory unit tests
- Introduced the notion of resizing data in solvers
- Added unit test for impulse actions
- Deprecated set_id functions in contact residuals
- Supported Ipopt solver with Python bindings
- Extended (diff)-action API to handle arbitrary constraints + unit tests
- Introduce the notion of ConstraintManager and used it in diff-actions + unit tests + integrated action support
- Added the HyQ robot for extra unit testing
- Updated doxygen documentation in many parts of the project
- Used std::set for storing cost/constraint activation status
- Fixed small issues in terminal-node computations
- Supported Meshcat display of contact forces, friction cone and foot-swing trajectories
- Introduced the notion of equality constraint feasibility in solvers
- Created a data collector to store joint effort and accelerations
- Created joint-effort/acceleration residuals + unit tests
- Created inverse-dynamics action models + unit tests
- Added the SolverIntro which handles inverse-dynamics OC problems + unit tests
- Added invdyn examples and log files + cleaned up filenames
- Enabled copyable for various objects used in Python
- Supported different contact/impulse frames + unit test + changes in example/logfiles.
- Removed deprecated FrameXX code.
- Updated readme file.
- Updated CMake configuration
- Updated numpy usage