A command line utility to parse HAR-files and play with Http Archive files.
- replay: Replay requests from .har file
⚠️ (wip) verify: Check that the servers current responses matches those stored in the .har file⚠️ (wip) serve: Run a local server which uses the responses stored in the .har file to respond to requests.
To start serving the example .har file from yr.no move to the vcr.console directory and run:
dotnet run -- serve --file .\yr.har
This should start a server running on port 9000 which will reply to relative urls in exactly the same way as the original server.
curl http://localhost:9000/api/v0/locations/1-72837?language=nb | jq -C
"category": {
"id": "CB09",
"name": "By"
"id": "1-72837",
"name": "Oslo",
"position": {
"lat": 59.91273,
"lon": 10.74609
"elevation": 10,
"coastalPoint": {
"lat": 59.89846,
"lon": 10.7408
"timeZone": "Europe/Oslo",
"urlPath": "Norge/Oslo/Oslo/Oslo",
"country": {
"id": "NO",
"name": "Norge"
"region": {
"id": "NO/03",
"name": "Oslo"
"subregion": {
"id": "NO/03/0301",
"name": "Oslo"
"isInOcean": false,
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837"
"celestialevents": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/celestialevents"
"forecast": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/forecast"
"cameras": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/cameras"
"now": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/forecast/now"
"coast": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/forecast/coast"
"tide": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/tide"
"mapfeature": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/mapfeature"
"notifications": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/notifications"
"extremeforecasts": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/notifications/extreme"
"currenthour": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/forecast/currenthour"
"observations": [
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/observations"
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/observations/nearby"
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/observations/year"
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/observations/month"
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/observations/day"
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/observations/yyyy-MM-dd"
"watertemperatures": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/nearestwatertemperatures"
"airqualityforecast": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/airqualityforecast"
"auroraforecast": {
"href": "/api/v0/locations/1-72837/auroraforecast"