Hello, my name is Lourenço! I am a fullstack software developer passionate about solving problems through creativity, innovation and great code. Originally from the marketing area, I've decided to become a software developer after my startup needed more coding power. I fell in love with it and after that I decided I wanted to improve every day on software development.
Now, as a fullstack software developer, I'm able to bring my expertise in business, startups and innovation to the companies I've worked for, such as fintechs, startups, digital banks and telecomunications.
🛠️ Hard Skills:
- Frameworks: Node.Js, React.Js,React Native, Angular
- Programming Languages: Typescript, Javascript, Python
- Web Technologies: HTML, CSS
- Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, PostsgreSQL
- Infrastructure: Heroku, GCP, AWS
- Tools: Git, GraphQL
- Design: Photoshop, Illustrator, XD, Zeplin
💡 Soft Skills:
- Innovation
- Curiosity
- Communication
- Resilience
- Proactivity
- Leadership
Email me @ [email protected] or Whatsapp @ 55-51-996106010