LÖVE 0.8.0 [Rubber Piggy]
Released: 2012-04-02
* Added release error screen.
* Added alpha to love.graphics.setBackgroundColor.
* Added Canvas:clear(r, g, b, a).
* Added Canvas support to love.graphics.drawq.
* Added Canvas:getWidth and Canvas:getHeight.
* Added love.graphics.arc.
* Added seek and tell to Source objects.
* Added color interpolation to ParticleSystem.
* Added automatic PO2 padding for systems not supporting the OpenGL extension.
* Added UTF-8 support for fonts.
* Added Box2D error handling for some commonly failing functions.
* Added ability for fused release games to have their write dir in appdata.
* Added shear transformation to drawing functions.
* Added origin to font printing.
* Added love.graphics.getMode.
* Added per-sprite colors on SpriteBatches.
* Added PixelEffects.
* Added love.graphics.isSupported.
* Added love.graphics.getCanvas.
* Added love.event.quit.
* Added stencil masks.
* Added alternative SpriteBatch provider, it should work everywhere now.
* Added a loader for binary modules.
* Added Thread:getKeys.
* Added option of fractions for Quads.
* Added PNG, JPEG and GIF support to ImageData:encode.
* Added 64-bit support for Mac OS X.
* Added premultiplied blending mode.
* Added functions to set/get default image filter modes.
* Added SpriteBatch:set.
* Added new events system, with support for custom events and long event names.
* Added sound attenuation by distance.
* Added SpriteBatch:getImage.
* Added combine color mode.
* Added automatic random seeding to love.run.
* Added support for the subtract BlendMode on older graphics cards.
* Added love._os field, which contains the OS the game is running on.
* Fixed wrapping for single words.
* Fixed tracebacks not showing filenames.
* Fixed love.graphics.push/pop capable of causing overflows/underflows.
* Fixed setScissor on Canvases.
* Fixed several issues with audio, e.g. clicks and pops in mp3s.
* Fixed crashes when bodies were destroyed during collisions.
* Fixed bound SpriteBatches corrupting when drawing.
* Fixed thread-safety issues with ImageData.
* Fixed memory leaks in audio sources.
* Fixed thread's set (previously send) accidentally changing the type.
* Fixed SoundData allocating the wrong number of samples.
* Fixed SpriteBatch support on Intel cards.
* Fixed love.filesystem.lines() leaking.
* Fixed most leaking on unclosed File objects.
* Fixed crashes when operating on non-existent files.
* Fixed a bug where empty files on windows would never reach eof.
* Fixed crash when SoundData runs out of memory.
* Fixed ordering of loaders, love should have priority over lua.
* Fixed several miscellaneous memory leaks.
* Fixed a few cases where strings with \0 in them would not be stored correctly.
* Fixed love's startup time being in the first dt.
* Fixed internal string conversions, they are faster now.
* Fixed (bad) performance of ImageData:paste.
* Fixed love.graphics.toggleFullscreen not maintaining graphics state.
* Renamed SpriteBatch's lock/unlock to bind/unbind.
* Renamed Framebuffer to Canvas.
* Renamed love.thread.send/receive to set/get.
* Renamed love.graphics.setRenderTarget to setCanvas.
* Removed canvas auto-clearing.
* Removed EncodedImageData.
* Removed old syntax for require (with extension).
* Removed love.graphics.setFont([file], [size]).
* Removed Thread:kill.
* Updated love.joystick to be 1-indexed.
* Updated Sources to update more cleanly and control more intuitively.
* Updated font engine.
* Updated line drawing to a custom system.
* Updated love.timer.sleep to use seconds, like the rest of love.
* Updated love.timer to be more accurate.
* Updated love.graphics.circle to have max(10, r) as default for segments.
* Updated ImageData:encode to write to files directly.
* Updated version compatibility system to actually do something.
* Updated love.run's order, events are checked just before update.
* Updated Box2D to version 2.2.1.