FTA is a Fortran-Torch-Adapter aimed for integrating deep learning model into Fortran environment. It has been used in replacing parameterization schemes in WRF with a published paper
! fortran program main
! use PyTorch modle resnet.pt in a Fortran program with FTA library torch_wrapper
program main
use torch_wrapper
implicit none
CHARACTER(100), TARGET :: model_loc;
TYPE(ftorchmodel) :: model;
INTEGER :: res
REAL(C_float) :: input(1, 3, 224, 224) = 1.0
REAL :: output(1, 1000)
INTEGER(C_INT) :: use_gpu = 1 ! should be compatible with your script module device
model_loc = "/home/dl/luc/FTB/demo/lib/resnet.pt"//CHAR(0) ! CHAR(0) is necessary for C string termination
print *, "Torch Start"
model = resnet18_new(model_loc, use_gpu) ! initialize the model
res = resnet18_forward(model, input, output) ! use the model to perform reasoning task
call resnet18_delete(model) ! delete this model
print *, output(1, 1)
print *, "Torch End"
end program main
- CMake (>=3.0)
- gcc or icc compiler
- libtorch
- Docker & nvidia-container-toolkit (OPTIONAL)
Notice: we assume you already have a machine with Nvidia Driver installed properly.
- download libtorch
- match your local CUDA version
- C++11 ABI (choose this version if your compiler is
- define your model in the configuration file
- data type supported: float, int, double
- data size format: a, b, c
- model name: will be used for interface name
- run
- use the
library in your Fortran program
- install nvidia-container-toolkit & Docker
- get image
- build locally
docker build -t fortran-torch-adapter .
- Or you can pull from dockerhub
docker pull 1813927768/fortran-torch-adapter:latest
- build locally
- start the container
docker run -it --rm --gpus all fortran-torch-adapter /bin/bash
- run
in the container