Uber fancy directory listing/browsing for nginx using vue.js
Nginx Config
server {
listen ........;
... #your config
root /www/wwwroot/vueindex/;
index .............;
location /download/ {
root /www/wwwroot/data/;
location ~ /$ {
autoindex on;
autoindex_format jsonp;
autoindex_localtime on;
if ($args = "path") {
root /www/wwwroot/data/download/; #drug your files here
if ($args != "path") {
rewrite / /index.html break;
Clone the repo to document root and run bower.
cd /www/wwwroot/
git clone https://github.com/m-d-z-z/nginx-vue-index vueindex
- nginx: Though i'm using nginx to serve the app and
nginx autoindex
module's json listing to provide data, the app has no hard requirement to nginx. App will run as long it gets json data in same format.