This is the official assemblyscript sdk for W3bstream.
The package requires node.js >=16.0.0
npm install @w3bstream/wasm-sdk
Your must export alloc function from @w3bstream/wasm-sdk for w3bstream vm
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8888/srv-applet-mgr/v0/project_config/project_01/PROJECT_SCHEMA' \
--header 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJQYXlsb2FkIjoiOTAxNjYzODYzNTI5Njc3NSIsImlzcyI6InczYnN0cmVhbSIsImV4cCI6MTY3NTE0MzA0Nn0.okRRanlER4OwZTSS60m4qdg5F4qjVWDcPys-eAJ5KkE' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"tables": [
"name": "f_table",
"desc": "test table",
"cols": [
"name": "f_gender",
"constrains": {
"datatype": "UINT8",
"length": 255,
"default": "0",
"desc": "user name"
"keys": [
"name": "ui_gender",
"isUnique": true,
"columnNames": [
"withSoftDeletion": true,
"withPrimaryKey": true
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
import { ExecSQL, QuerySQL, Log } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
Log("start from typescript");
const key = GetDataByRID(rid);
const v = new Map<string, i32>();
v.set("int32", 1);
const value = ExecSQL(`INSERT INTO "f_table" (f_id,f_gender) VALUES (?,?);`, [v, v]);
const res = QuerySQL(`SELECT * FROM "f_table" WHERE f_id = ?;`, [v]);
Log("wasm get value:" + value);
Log("wasm get res:" + res);
return 0;
import { GetEnv, Log } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
const key = GetDataByRID(rid);
const value = GetEnv(key);
Log("wasm get env:" + value);
return 0;
import { CallContract, GetDataByRID, Log, SendTx } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
import { hexToAddress, hexToBool, hexToUtf8 } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk/assembly/utility";
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
const message = GetDataByRID(rid);
Log("wasm received message:" + message);
const ERC20Addr = "0xa00744882684c3e4747faefd68d283ea44099d03";
const balanceOfHex = CallContract(4689, ERC20Addr, `0x70a082310000000000000000000000009117f5ef4156709092f79740a97b1638ca399a00`);
Log("balanceOfHex:" + balanceOfHex);
Log("balanceOfInt:" + parseInt(balanceOfHex, 16).toString());
const symbolHex = CallContract(4689, ERC20Addr, `0x95d89b41`);
Log("symbolHex:" + symbolHex);
Log("symbol:" + hexToUtf8(symbolHex));
//if return type is 'bool'
//use hexToBool
//if return type is 'address'
//use hexToAddress
return 0;
Log(message: string)
import { Log } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
//export alloc for w3bstream vm
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
Log("Start from assemblyscript");
const message = GetDataByRID(rid);
Log("wasm received message:" + message);
return 0;
genZkProof(imageID: string, privateInput: string, publicInput: string, receiptType: string, eventType: string = "result") : string
import { Log, GetDataByRID, HTTP } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
"3145991386, 3471678490, 3632776032, 2595288688, 1478438623, 4259749138, 987879707, 1456846509",
return 0;
export function handle_result(rid: i32): i32 {
const message = GetDataByRID(rid);
return 0;
ReadTx(chainName: string, hash: string, eventType: string = "result") : string
import { Log, GetDataByRID, HTTP } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
HTTP.readTx("iotex-testnet", "fcaf377ff3cc785d60c58de7e121d6a2e79e1c58c189ea8641f3ea61f7605285")
return 0;
export function handle_result(rid: i32): i32 {
const message = GetDataByRID(rid);
return 0;
SendTx(chainId:i32, tx: string) : string
import { Log, GetDataByRID, HTTP } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
HTTP.sendTx("iotex-testnet", "default", "0x9117f5EF4156709092f79740a97b1638cA399A00", "10000000000000000000", "0x")
return 0;
export function handle_result(rid: i32): i32 {
const message = GetDataByRID(rid);
return 0;
SetDB(key: string, value: i32)
GetDB(key: string)
import { SetDB, Log, GetDB } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export { alloc } from "@w3bstream/wasm-sdk";
export function start(rid: i32): i32 {
SetDB("wordCount", word.length);
let value = GetDB("wordCount");
Log("wasm get value:" + value.toString());
return 0;
The abort method will be exposed inside w3bstream in later versions issues/308
export function abort(message: string | null, fileName: string | null, lineNumber: u32, columnNumber: u32): void {}
"scripts": {
"asbuild:release": "asc assembly/index.ts --use abort=assembly/index/abort --target release",
Some language features need support from the host environment to function, yielding a few special module imports depending on the feature set used within the module. Generated bindings provide these automatically where necessary.
- function env.abort?(message: usize, fileName: usize, line: u32, column: u32): void
The respective implementations of , and can be overridden with, for example, , here redirecting calls to to a custom function in . Useful if an environment does not provide compatible implementations, or when the respective imports are not desired and custom implementations are sufficient.aborttraceseed--use abort=assembly/index/myAbortabortmyAbortassembly/index.ts
- If the
installation package is used, dependencies may not be correctly installed. You can usenpm
to install dependencies
Examples can be found in the ./examples folder.
To build an example, from the main SDK folder type:
npm install
npm run build:<example_name>
Available examples are:
- Tests the call of theabort
function on the W3bstream VM side by callingassert
in your applet.click2earn
- a simple applet that mints ERC20 tokens every 5 "click" messages are receivedenv
- shows how to retrieve env variable for the parent project (a defined in the project's settings on
- a basic example that shows how to mint ERC20 tokens from an applet according to the info included in the data messagejson
- shows how to parse a data message and extract specific fieldssql
- shows how to insert and query data from W3bstreams database using SQLtoken_distribute
- another basic example that sends ERC20 tokens to a walletvm
- another example of usingassert
in your appletword_count
- counts the number of words included in a message payload and shows how to save it in W3bstream's key/value storage.