A list of links to articles, tutorials and papers that are helpful for people developing on the ethereum stack
- Hello world - greeter contract
- Truffle first dApp tutorial
- Smart contracts for noobs
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Smart Contracts in Ethereum
- Getting Up to Speed on Ethereum
- The ultimate end-to-end tutorial to create and deploy a fully decentralized Dapp in ethereum
- Ethereum for Web Developers
- Full Stack Hello World Voting Ethereum Dapp Tutorial
- Getting started with Ethereum & Solidity on Windows — part 1
- Getting started with Ethereum, Solidity & Geth — part 2
- Solidity docs security considerations
- ConsenSys best practices
- Zeppelin smart contract security
- Winners solutions of underhanded solidity contest
- Problems with tx.origin
- Golem short address token bug
- DAO hack explained
- Parity wallet hack explained
- Vitalik thoughts about security and listing some known exploits
- King of the ether secuirty checklist
- King of the ether exploit
- Guide how to audit solidity contracts
- Ethereum wiki - white paper, yellow paper and just pure gold information about ethereum
- Ethereum docs
- How does Ethereum work, anyway?
- When to use revert/require/assert
- Introduction to events and logs
- Payment channel with 50 lines of code
- Reducing eth gas arrays -> bytes
- Understanding oracles
- Building an Oracle
- Oraclize docs
- Hash table attacks and how does mapping work
- What it takes to create a successful ICO?