Here's a fun little Python script you can run from your terminal. Pick your messiest, most dauntingly undermaintained directory, and blink. Done. Angel Oak sorts all your unsorted crud into neat little subdirectories based on file extension. Hooray! It also creates a handy output log upon completion, which is placed in the target directory.
Here's the directory tree you can expect after running the script:
βββ your-target-directory
βββ Audio
βββ Docs
βββ Folders
βββ Images
βββ MISC
βββ Packages
βββ Programs
βββ Video
βββ Web_Pages
βββ all_clean.txt
As the universe of file extensions continues to expand, it's impossible to account for all of them. But I've covered the most common ones.
Make sure you have Python installed on your system, and install if needed.
python --version
MacOS users: If you receive the error zsh: command not found: python
, try the following: echo "alias python=/usr/local/bin/python3" >> ~/.zshrc
Clone the Angel Oak repo or download the .zip from the "<> Code" dropdown above. Then, in your terminal, navigate to angel-oak
(clone) or angle-oak-main
(.zip). For the best results, move Angel Oak outside of the directory you'd like to sort.
cd Desktop/angel-oak-main
When you run the script via python
, you'll be prompted to enter a target directory and a name for the output log.
Enter path of directory to be sorted:
Enter name for output log:
Complete the prompts and kuh-blam. You're all set! Now grab a second (or third) coffee and admire how organized you are. π