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GitHub Action

Mtg Fetch Action


Mtg Fetch Action


Mtg Fetch Action

This Action answer to issues, comments and pull requests fetching Magic the Gathering cards preview


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Mtg Fetch Action

uses: ldeluigi/[email protected]

Learn more about this action in ldeluigi/mtg-fetch-action

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Mtg Card Fetch Bot

This action/workflow replies to issues, pull requests and their respective comments with smart links to Magic the Gathering resources. Uses the standard [[<card-name>]] for the default output or some other syntax that enable special features like image previews, card prices or legality info.

Current Build: build-test

Commands for the bot

You can see the syntax handbook by commenting a issue or a pull_request with !mtg help or Mtg Fetch Help.

How to use this action

Add .github/workflows/mtg-card-fetch.yml to your workflows (just copy and paste from the source).

Or use it in your own workflow that reacts to issues, pull_request, issue_comment, pull_request_comment:

# .github/workflows/mtg-card-fetch.yml
name: Mtg Card Fetch Bot

    types: [created]
    types: [opened]
    types: [opened]
    type: [submitted]

    name: Fetch MTG Card
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: ldeluigi/mtg-fetch-action@v1
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Quick reference

  • [[cardname]] returns card information from gatherer and other websites in the chat.
  • {{cardname}} returns card information from gatherer, and also puts the card image in the chat.
  • ::cardname:: returns card format legality information.
  • ((cardname)) returns card pricing from TCGPlayer, and also puts the card image in the chat.

If you desire a specific set image, insert e:SET inside the brackets and after the card name, using the 3 letter set code instead of the word SET. Other syntax rules can be found at