Geppaku is bluish white theme for Hugo.
Note that it is not in the "Seppuku".
I'm not Samurai.
Please check, if you are interested in this theme.
$ mkdir themes
$ cd themes
$ git clone hugo-theme-geppaku
See the Hugo documentation for more information.
Example of config.toml file:
baseurl = "http://your-site-here/"
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "your site title"
theme= "hugo-theme-geppaku"
googleAnalytics = ""
disqusShortname = ""
# If you want to display author information set these
# This is Optional values
name = "Your name"
# Please set account ids
# This is Optional values
twitter = "your twitter id"
linkedin = "your linkedin id"
github = "your github id"
tumblr = "your tumblr id"
# If you want to display share buttons set these
# This is Optional values
twitter = true
facebook = true
tumblr = true
# hatena = true # hatena is Japanese social media
google = true
pocket = true
# Please set id when you want to display facebook
facebookAppId = "your app id"
# If you want to display Google adsense set these
# This is Optional values
# 1. Create file written of the adsense tag into the directory "layouts/partials"
# 2. Please set file path name omitted "layouts/partials"
sidebar = "adsense/sidebar.html"
content = "adsense/content.html"
You can delete optional parameter.
Please delete unnecessary parameter.
Create markdown file:
hugo new post/2016/05/
Example of the markdown file:
date = "2016-04-30T16:44:45+09:00"
draft = false
title = "Hello Hugo!"
slug = "hello-hugo"
categories = ["tech"]
tags = [
Hello Hugo!
Please check sample.