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Bikino Sinc is a beautifully designed fashion store by Broklin Onjei. The project is built using Commerce.js and Vue.js with a live deployment to Netlify. When I first saw one of the shots on dribbble, I fell in love with it and knew I wanted to build it. Nevertheless, this is not a 1:1 version that perfectly captures the design from the shots, as that was not the goal. The main area I focused on was unit testing, the use of script setup and typescript.
Home page that includes the following sections: hero, explore more with 5 sample products from the store, categories and footer with a list of stores and a button to modal with Google Maps
Category list page, after selecting a category you'll be redirected to the shop page where you can view products within that category
Product page where you can read about the product, choose a variant and add it to your cart
A checkout page that captures shopping cart items into an order (a test payment gateway is set up, which allows you to place a real order in the system and receive an email notification)
Shop page for products (includes pagination, sorting, filtering by category)
Shopping cart (adding products to the cart, increasing or decreasing the quantity of a product, removing products from the cart, emptying the entire cart)
Order confirmation page to display successful orders
Search for products
404 page