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replace original zorn lemma with georges'
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affeldt-aist committed Apr 11, 2024
1 parent decefd9 commit 2c8cb96
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226 changes: 53 additions & 173 deletions classical/classical_sets.v
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg matrix finmap ssrnum.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrint interval.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp wochoice.

(* # Set Theory *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2599,127 +2599,55 @@ End partitions.
#[deprecated(note="Use trivIset_setIl instead")]
Notation trivIset_setI := trivIset_setIl (only parsing).

Section Zorn.

Definition total_on T (A : set T) (R : T -> T -> Prop) :=
forall s t, A s -> A t -> R s t \/ R t s.

Section ZL.

Variable (T : Type) (t0 : T) (R : T -> T -> Prop).
Hypothesis (Rrefl : forall t, R t t).
Hypothesis (Rtrans : forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t).
Hypothesis (Rantisym : forall s t, R s t -> R t s -> s = t).
Hypothesis (tot_lub : forall A : set T, total_on A R -> exists t,
(forall s, A s -> R s t) /\ forall r, (forall s, A s -> R s r) -> R t r).
Hypothesis (Rsucc : forall s, exists t, R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t).

Let Teq := @gen_eqMixin T.
Let Tch := @gen_choiceMixin T.
Let Tp : pointedType := (* FIXME: use HB.pack *)
Pointed.Pack (@Pointed.Class T (isPointed.Axioms_ t0) Tch Teq).
Let lub := fun A : {A : set T | total_on A R} =>
[get t : Tp | (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, sval A s -> R s r) -> R t r].
Let succ := fun s => [get t : Tp | R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t].

Inductive tower : set T :=
| Lub : forall A, sval A `<=` tower -> tower (lub A)
| Succ : forall t, tower t -> tower (succ t).

Lemma ZL' : False.
have lub_ub (A : {A : set T | total_on A R}) :
forall s, sval A s -> R s (lub A).
suff /getPex [] : exists t : Tp, (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, sval A s -> R s r) -> R t r by [].
by apply: tot_lub; apply: (svalP A).
have lub_lub (A : {A : set T | total_on A R}) :
forall t, (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) -> R (lub A) t.
suff /getPex [] : exists t : Tp, (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, sval A s -> R s r) -> R t r by [].
by apply: tot_lub; apply: (svalP A).
have RS s : R s (succ s) /\ s <> succ s.
by have /getPex [? []] : exists t : Tp, R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t by apply: Rsucc.
have succS s : forall t, R s t -> R t (succ s) -> t = s \/ t = succ s.
by have /getPex [? []] : exists t : Tp, R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t by apply: Rsucc.
suff Twtot : total_on tower R.
have [R_S] := RS (lub (exist _ tower Twtot)); apply.
by apply/Rantisym => //; apply/lub_ub/Succ/Lub.
move=> s t Tws; elim: Tws t => {s} [A sATw ihA|s Tws ihs] t Twt.
have [?|/asboolP] := pselect (forall s, sval A s -> R s t).
by left; apply: lub_lub.
rewrite asbool_neg => /existsp_asboolPn [s /asboolP].
rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn [As nRst]; right.
by have /lub_ub := As; apply: Rtrans; have [] := ihA _ As _ Twt.
suff /(_ _ Twt) [Rts|RSst] : forall r, tower r -> R r s \/ R (succ s) r.
by right; apply: Rtrans Rts _; have [] := RS s.
by left.
move=> r; elim=> {r} [A sATw ihA|r Twr ihr].
have [?|/asboolP] := pselect (forall r, sval A r -> R r s).
by left; apply: lub_lub.
rewrite asbool_neg => /existsp_asboolPn [r /asboolP].
rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn [Ar nRrs]; right.
by have /lub_ub := Ar; apply: Rtrans; have /ihA [] := Ar.
have [Rrs|RSsr] := ihr; last by right; apply: Rtrans RSsr _; have [] := RS r.
have : tower (succ r) by apply: Succ.
move=> /ihs [RsSr|]; last by left.
by have [->|->] := succS _ _ Rrs RsSr; [right|left]; apply: Rrefl.

End ZL.

Lemma Zorn T (R : T -> T -> Prop) :
Let total_on_wo_chain (T : Type) (R : rel T) (P : {pred T}) :
(forall A, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
wo_chain R P -> exists2 z, z \in predT & upper_bound R P z.
move: R P; elim/Peq : T => T R P Atot RP.
suff : total_on P R by move=> /Atot[t ARt]; exists t.
move=> s t Ps Pt; have [| |] := RP [predU (pred1 s) & (pred1 t)].
- by move=> x; rewrite !inE => /orP[/eqP ->{x}|/eqP ->{x}].
- by exists s; rewrite !inE eqxx.
- move=> x [[]]; rewrite !inE => /orP[/eqP ->{x}|/eqP ->{x}].
+ by move=> /(_ t); rewrite !inE eqxx orbT => /(_ isT) Rst _; left.
+ by move=> /(_ s); rewrite !inE eqxx => /(_ isT) Rts _; right.

Lemma Zorn (T : Type) (R : rel T) :
(forall t, R t t) -> (forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t) ->
(forall s t, R s t -> R t s -> s = t) ->
(forall A : set T, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
exists t, forall s, R t s -> s = t.
move=> Rrefl Rtrans Rantisym Rtot_max.
pose totR := {A : set T | total_on A R}.
set R' := fun A B : totR => sval A `<=` sval B.
have R'refl A : R' A A by [].
have R'trans A B C : R' A B -> R' B C -> R' A C by apply: subset_trans.
have R'antisym A B : R' A B -> R' B A -> A = B.
rewrite /R'; move: A B => [/= A totA] [/= B totB] sAB sBA.
by apply: eq_exist; rewrite predeqE=> ?; split=> [/sAB|/sBA].
have R'tot_lub A : total_on A R' -> exists t, (forall s, A s -> R' s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, A s -> R' s r) -> R' t r.
move=> Atot.
have AUtot : total_on (\bigcup_(B in A) (sval B)) R.
move=> s t [B AB Bs] [C AC Ct].
have [/(_ _ Bs) Cs|/(_ _ Ct) Bt] := Atot _ _ AB AC.
by have /(_ _ _ Cs Ct) := svalP C.
by have /(_ _ _ Bs Bt) := svalP B.
exists (exist _ (\bigcup_(B in A) sval B) AUtot); split.
by move=> B ? ? ?; exists B.
by move=> B Bub ? /= [? /Bub]; apply.
apply: contrapT => nomax.
have {}nomax t : exists s, R t s /\ s <> t.
have /asboolP := nomax; rewrite asbool_neg => /forallp_asboolPn /(_ t).
move=> /asboolP; rewrite asbool_neg => /existsp_asboolPn [s].
by move=> /asboolP; rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn []; exists s.
have tot0 : total_on set0 R by [].
apply: (ZL' (exist _ set0 tot0)) R'tot_lub _ => // A.
have /Rtot_max [t tub] := svalP A; have [s [Rts snet]] := nomax t.
have Astot : total_on (sval A `|` [set s]) R.
move=> u v [Au|->]; last first.
by move=> [/tub Rvt|->]; right=> //; apply: Rtrans Rts.
move=> [Av|->]; [apply: (svalP A)|left] => //.
by apply: Rtrans Rts; apply: tub.
exists (exist _ (sval A `|` [set s]) Astot); split; first by move=> ? ?; left.
split=> [AeAs|[B Btot] sAB sBAs].
have [/tub Rst|] := pselect (sval A s); first exact/snet/Rantisym.
by rewrite AeAs /=; apply; right.
have [Bs|nBs] := pselect (B s).
by right; apply: eq_exist; rewrite predeqE => r; split=> [/sBAs|[/sAB|->]].
left; case: A tub Astot sBAs sAB => A Atot /= tub Astot sBAs sAB.
apply: eq_exist; rewrite predeqE => r; split=> [Br|/sAB] //.
by have /sBAs [|ser] // := Br; rewrite ser in Br.
move: R; elim/Peq : T => T R Rxx Rtrans Ranti Atot.
have [//| |P _ RP|] := @Zorn's_lemma _ R predT _.
- by move=> ? ? ? _ _ _; exact: Rtrans.
- exact: total_on_wo_chain.
by move=> x _ Rx; exists x => s Rxs; apply: (Ranti _ _ _ Rxs) => //; exact: Rx.

Definition premaximal T (R : T -> T -> Prop) (t : T) :=
forall s, R t s -> R s t.

Lemma ZL_preorder (T : Type) (t0 : T) (R : rel T) :
(forall t, R t t) -> (forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t) ->
(forall A, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
exists t, premaximal R t.
move: t0 R; elim/Peq : T => T t0 R Rxx Rtrans Atot.
have [//| | |z _ Hz] := @Zorn's_lemma T R predT.
- by move=> ? ? ? _ _ _; exact: Rtrans.
- by move=> A _ RA; exact: total_on_wo_chain.
by exists z => s Rzs; exact: Hz.

End Zorn.

Section Zorn_subset.
Variables (T : Type) (P : set (set T)).

Expand All @@ -2728,20 +2656,24 @@ Lemma Zorn_bigcup :
P (\bigcup_(X in F) X)) ->
exists A, P A /\ forall B, A `<` B -> ~ P B.
move=> totP; pose R (sA sB : P) := sval sA `<=` sval sB.
move=> totP; pose R (sA sB : P) := `[< sval sA `<=` sval sB >].
have {}totR F (FR : total_on F R) : exists sB, forall sA, F sA -> R sA sB.
have FP : [set val x | x in F] `<=` P.
by move=> _ [X FX <-]; apply: set_mem; apply: valP.
by move=> _ [X FX <-]; exact/set_mem/valP.
have totF : total_on [set val x | x in F] subset.
by move=> _ _ [X FX <-] [Y FY <-]; apply: FR.
exists (SigSub (mem_set (totP _ FP totF))) => A FA; rewrite /R/=.
exact: (bigcup_sup (imageP val _)).
move=> _ _ [X FX <-] [Y FY <-].
by have [/asboolP|/asboolP] := FR _ _ FX FY; [left|right].
exists (SigSub (mem_set (totP _ FP totF))) => A FA.
exact/asboolP/(bigcup_sup (imageP val _)).
have [| | |sA sAmax] := Zorn _ _ _ totR.
- by move=> ?; exact: subset_refl.
- by move=> ? ? ?; exact: subset_trans.
- by move=> [A PA] [B PB]; rewrite /R /= => AB BA; exact/eq_exist/seteqP.
- by move=> ?; apply/asboolP; exact: subset_refl.
- by move=> ? ? ? /asboolP ? /asboolP st; apply/asboolP; exact: subset_trans st.
- by move=> [A PA] [B PB] /asboolP AB /asboolP BA; exact/eq_exist/seteqP.
- exists (val sA); case: sA => A PA /= in sAmax *; split; first exact: set_mem.
move=> B AB PB; have [BA] := sAmax (SigSub (mem_set PB)) (properW AB).
move=> B AB PB.
have : R (exist (fun x : T -> Prop => x \in P) A PA) (SigSub (mem_set PB)).
by apply/asboolP; exact: properW.
move=> /(sAmax (SigSub (mem_set PB)))[BA].
by move: AB; rewrite BA; exact: properxx.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2775,58 +2707,6 @@ Qed.

End maximal_disjoint_subcollection.

Definition premaximal T (R : T -> T -> Prop) (t : T) :=
forall s, R t s -> R s t.

Lemma ZL_preorder T (t0 : T) (R : T -> T -> Prop) :
(forall t, R t t) -> (forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t) ->
(forall A : set T, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
exists t, premaximal R t.
set Teq := @gen_eqMixin T; set Tch := @gen_choiceMixin T.
pose Tpo := isPointed.Build T t0.
pose Tp : pointedType := HB.pack T Teq Tch Tpo.
move=> Rrefl Rtrans tot_max.
set eqR := fun s t => R s t /\ R t s; set ceqR := fun s => [set t | eqR s t].
have eqR_trans r s t : eqR r s -> eqR s t -> eqR r t.
by move=> [Rrs Rsr] [Rst Rts]; split; [apply: Rtrans Rst|apply: Rtrans Rsr].
have ceqR_uniq s t : eqR s t -> ceqR s = ceqR t.
by rewrite predeqE => - [Rst Rts] r; split=> [[Rr rR] | [Rr rR]]; split;
try exact: Rtrans Rr; exact: Rtrans rR _.
set ceqRs := ceqR @` setT; set quotR := sig ceqRs.
have ceqRP t : ceqRs (ceqR t) by exists t.
set lift := fun t => exist _ (ceqR t) (ceqRP t).
have lift_surj (A : quotR) : exists t : Tp, lift t = A.
case: A => A [t Tt ctA]; exists t; rewrite /lift; case : _ / ctA.
have lift_inj s t : eqR s t -> lift s = lift t.
by move=> eqRst; apply/eq_exist/ceqR_uniq.
have lift_eqR s t : lift s = lift t -> eqR s t.
move=> cst; have ceqst : ceqR s = ceqR t by have := congr1 sval cst.
by rewrite [_ s]ceqst; split; apply: Rrefl.
set repr := fun A : quotR => get [set t : Tp | lift t = A].
have repr_liftE t : eqR t (repr (lift t))
by apply: lift_eqR; have -> := getPex (lift_surj (lift t)).
set R' := fun A B : quotR => R (repr A) (repr B).
have R'refl A : R' A A by apply: Rrefl.
have R'trans A B C : R' A B -> R' B C -> R' A C by apply: Rtrans.
have R'antisym A B : R' A B -> R' B A -> A = B.
move=> RAB RBA; have [t tA] := lift_surj A; have [s sB] := lift_surj B.
rewrite -tA -sB; apply: lift_inj; apply (eqR_trans _ _ _ (repr_liftE t)).
have eAB : eqR (repr A) (repr B) by [].
rewrite tA; apply: eqR_trans eAB _; rewrite -sB.
by have [] := repr_liftE s.
have [A Atot|A Amax] := Zorn R'refl R'trans R'antisym.
have /tot_max [t tmax] : total_on [set repr B | B in A] R.
by move=> ?? [B AB <-] [C AC <-]; apply: Atot.
exists (lift t) => B AB; have [Rt _] := repr_liftE t.
by apply: Rtrans Rt; apply: tmax; exists B.
exists (repr A) => t RAt.
have /Amax <- : R' A (lift t).
by have [Rt _] := repr_liftE t; apply: Rtrans Rt.
by have [] := repr_liftE t.

Section UpperLowerTheory.
Import Order.TTheory.
Variables (d : unit) (T : porderType d).
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion classical/mathcomp_extra.v
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@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2022 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
Require Import BinPos.
From mathcomp Require choice.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect finmap ssralg ssrnum ssrint rat.
From mathcomp Require Import finset interval.

Expand Down
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions classical/wochoice.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ have init_total Y Z: f_ind Y -> f_ind Z -> {init_seg Y Z} + {init_seg Z Y}.
rewrite -(fY z Yz); congr f; apply/esym/funext=> x /=.
apply/idP/idP=> [/andP[Yx] | Ix]; first by contra=> I'x; apply/minYz/andP.
have Yx := sIY x Ix; rewrite Yx /=; contra: (I'z) => Rzx.
by rewrite (RYanti z x) // Rzx RIY.
by rewrite (RYanti z x) // Rzx RIY.
case: iI1Y {iI1}(iI1 Z) => [<- _| iI1Y [||<-|iI1Z]//]; [by left | by right |].
by case/notCf/negP: Ich; apply/(maxI I1); [apply/asboolP|apply/predU1l].
pose U x := `[< exists2 X, x \in X & f_ind X >].
Expand All @@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ have Umax X: f_ind X -> init_seg X U.
have RUanti: {in U &, antisymmetric R}.
move=> x y /asboolP[X Xx indX] /asboolP[Y Yy indY].
without loss [sXY _]: x y X Y Xx Yy {indX} indY / init_seg X Y.
move=> IH.
move=> IH.
by case: (init_total X Y) => // {}/IH-IH; [|rewrite andbC] => /IH->.
have [/wo_chain_antisymmetric RYanti _] := indY.
by apply: RYanti => //; apply: sXY.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ have /maxR/(_ _)/asboolP: ([predU1 z & D] : pred T, Rz : rel T) \in pwo.
have /minXy/= := Xx; case: ifP => // _ /idPn[].
by rewrite negb_or andbT (memPn notDz).
apply: Ux; split=> [|t /andP[/minXy]]; first exact/andP.
by rewrite /= Dy => /predU1P[-> /idPn[]|].
by rewrite /= Dy => /predU1P[-> /idPn[]|].
case=> [|/= -> //]; last exact/predU1l.
apply/asboolP; split=> [x|x y /= Dx]; first exact: predU1r.
rewrite Dx => /predU1P[-> | /= Dy]; first by rewrite eqxx (negPf notDz).
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/forms.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp
Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg fingroup zmodp poly ssrnum.
From mathcomp
Require Import matrix mxalgebra vector falgebra ssrnum algC algnum.
Require Import matrix mxalgebra vector falgebra ssrnum.
From mathcomp
Require Import fieldext.
From mathcomp Require Import vector.
Expand Down
59 changes: 32 additions & 27 deletions theories/topology.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions wochoice.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop.
Require Import reals signed.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3040,34 +3040,39 @@ Lemma ultraFilterLemma T (F : set_system T) :
move=> FF.
set filter_preordset := ({G : set_system T & ProperFilter G /\ F `<=` G}).
set preorder := fun G1 G2 : filter_preordset => projT1 G1 `<=` projT1 G2.
suff [G Gmax] : exists G : filter_preordset, premaximal preorder G.
have [GF sFG] := projT2 G; exists (projT1 G); split=> //; split=> // H HF sGH.
set preorder :=
fun G1 G2 : {classic filter_preordset} => `[< projT1 G1 `<=` projT1 G2 >].
suff [G Gmax] : exists G : {classic filter_preordset}, premaximal preorder G.
have [GF sFG] := projT2 G; exists (projT1 G); split; last exact: sFG.
split; [exact: GF|move=> H HF sGH].
have sFH : F `<=` H by apply: subset_trans sGH.
have sHG : preorder (existT _ H (conj HF sFH)) G by apply: Gmax.
by rewrite predeqE => ?; split=> [/sHG|/sGH].
have sHG : preorder (existT _ H (conj HF sFH)) G.
by move/asboolP in sGH; exact: (Gmax (existT _ H (conj HF sFH)) sGH).
by rewrite predeqE => A; split; [move/asboolP : sHG; exact|exact: sGH].
have sFF : F `<=` F by [].
apply: (ZL_preorder ((existT _ F (conj FF sFF)) : filter_preordset)) =>
[?|G H I sGH sHI ? /sGH /sHI|A Atot] //.
case: (pselect (A !=set0)) => [[G AG] | A0]; last first.
exists (existT _ F (conj FF sFF)) => G AG.
by have /asboolP := A0; rewrite asbool_neg => /forallp_asboolPn /(_ G).
have [GF sFG] := projT2 G.
suff UAF : ProperFilter (\bigcup_(H in A) projT1 H).
have sFUA : F `<=` \bigcup_(H in A) projT1 H.
by move=> B FB; exists G => //; apply: sFG.
exists (existT _ (\bigcup_(H in A) projT1 H) (conj UAF sFUA)) => H AH B HB /=.
by exists H.
apply: Build_ProperFilter.
by move=> B [H AH HB]; have [HF _] := projT2 H; apply: (@filter_ex _ _ HF).
split; first by exists G => //; apply: filterT.
move=> B C [HB AHB HBB] [HC AHC HCC]; have [sHBC|sHCB] := Atot _ _ AHB AHC.
exists HC => //; have [HCF _] := projT2 HC; apply: filterI HCC.
exact: sHBC.
exists HB => //; have [HBF _] := projT2 HB; apply: filterI HBB _.
exact: sHCB.
move=> B C SBC [H AH HB]; exists H => //; have [HF _] := projT2 H.
exact: filterS HB.
apply: (ZL_preorder (existT _ F (conj FF sFF))).
- by move=> t; exact/asboolP.
- move=> r s t; rewrite /preorder => /asboolP sr /asboolP st.
exact/asboolP/(subset_trans _ st).
- move=> A Atot; have [[G AG] | A0] := pselect (A !=set0); last first.
exists (existT _ F (conj FF sFF)) => G AG.
by have /asboolP := A0; rewrite asbool_neg => /forallp_asboolPn /(_ G).
have [GF sFG] := projT2 G.
suff UAF : ProperFilter (\bigcup_(H in A) projT1 H).
have sFUA : F `<=` \bigcup_(H in A) projT1 H.
by move=> B FB; exists G => //; exact: sFG.
exists (existT _ (\bigcup_(H in A) projT1 H) (conj UAF sFUA)) => H AH.
by apply/asboolP => B HB /=; exists H.
apply: Build_ProperFilter.
by move=> B [H AH HB]; have [HF _] := projT2 H; exact: (@filter_ex _ _ HF).
split; first by exists G => //; apply: filterT.
+ move=> B C [HB AHB HBB] [HC AHC HCC]; have [sHBC|sHCB] := Atot _ _ AHB AHC.
* exists HC => //; have [HCF _] := projT2 HC; apply: filterI HCC.
by move/asboolP : sHBC; exact.
* exists HB => //; have [HBF _] := projT2 HB; apply: filterI HBB _.
by move/asboolP : sHCB; exact.
+ move=> B C SBC [H AH HB]; exists H => //; have [HF _] := projT2 H.
exact: filterS HB.

Lemma compact_ultra (T : topologicalType) :
Expand Down

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