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affeldt-aist committed Oct 9, 2024
1 parent 45841bb commit 3978c0d
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Showing 2 changed files with 97 additions and 100 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/ftc.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -615,7 +615,7 @@ Lemma integration_by_parts F G f g a b : (a < b)%R ->
move=> ab cf Fab Ff cg Gab Gg.
have cfg : {within `[a, b], continuous (f * G + F * g)%R}.
apply/subspace_continuousP => x abx; apply: cvgD.
apply/subspace_continuousP => x abx; apply: cvgD.
- apply: cvgM.
+ by move/subspace_continuousP : cf; exact.
+ have := derivable_oo_continuous_bnd_within Gab.
Expand Down
195 changes: 96 additions & 99 deletions theories/lebesgue_measure.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -912,8 +912,6 @@ move=> /= _ [_ [a ->]] <-; apply: measurableI => //; apply: open_measurable.
by rewrite preimage_itv_o_infty; move/lower_semicontinuousP : scif; exact.

Import numFieldNormedType.Exports.

Section standard_measurable_fun.
Variable R : realType.
Implicit Types D : set R.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1630,6 +1628,100 @@ Qed.

End open_itv_cover.

Section egorov.
Context d {R : realType} {T : measurableType d}.
Context (mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}).

Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

(*TODO : this generalizes to any metric space with a borel measure*)
Lemma pointwise_almost_uniform
(f : (T -> R)^nat) (g : T -> R) (A : set T) (eps : R) :
(forall n, measurable_fun A (f n)) ->
measurable A -> mu A < +oo -> (forall x, A x -> f ^~ x @ \oo --> g x) ->
(0 < eps)%R -> exists B, [/\ measurable B, mu B < eps%:E &
{uniform A `\` B, f @ \oo --> g}].
move=> mf mA finA fptwsg epspos; pose h q (z : T) : R := `|f q z - g z|%R.
have mfunh q : measurable_fun A (h q).
apply: measurableT_comp => //; apply: measurable_funB => //.
exact: measurable_fun_cvg.
pose E k n := \bigcup_(i >= n) (A `&` [set x | h i x >= k.+1%:R^-1]%R).
have Einc k : nonincreasing_seq (E k).
move=> n m nm; apply/asboolP => z [i] /= /(leq_trans _) mi [? ?].
by exists i => //; exact: mi.
have mE k n : measurable (E k n).
apply: bigcup_measurable => q /= ?.
have -> : [set x | h q x >= k.+1%:R^-1]%R = h q @^-1` `[k.+1%:R^-1, +oo[.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split => z; rewrite /= in_itv /= andbT.
exact: mfunh.
have nEcvg x k : exists n, A x -> (~` E k n) x.
have [Ax|?] := pselect (A x); last by exists point.
have [] := fptwsg _ Ax (interior (ball (g x) k.+1%:R^-1)).
by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split; [exact: open_interior|exact: nbhsx_ballx].
move=> N _ Nk; exists N.+1 => _; rewrite /E setC_bigcup => i /= /ltnW Ni.
apply/not_andP; right; apply/negP; rewrite /h -real_ltNge // distrC.
by case: (Nk _ Ni) => _/posnumP[?]; apply; exact: ball_norm_center.
have Ek0 k : \bigcap_n (E k n) = set0.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => // z /=; suff : (~` \bigcap_n E k n) z by [].
rewrite setC_bigcap; have [Az | nAz] := pselect (A z).
by have [N /(_ Az) ?] := nEcvg z k; exists N.
by exists 0%N => //; rewrite setC_bigcup => n _ [].
have badn' k : exists n, mu (E k n) < ((eps / 2) / (2 ^ k.+1)%:R)%:E.
pose ek : R := eps / 2 / (2 ^ k.+1)%:R.
have : mu \o E k @ \oo --> mu set0.
rewrite -(Ek0 k); apply: nonincreasing_cvg_mu => //.
- by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ finA)// le_measure// ?inE// => ? [? _ []].
- exact: bigcap_measurable.
rewrite measure0; case/fine_cvg/(_ (@interior R^o (ball 0%R ek))).
apply/open_nbhs_nbhs/(open_nbhs_ball _ (@PosNum _ ek _)).
by rewrite !divr_gt0.
move=> N _ /(_ N (leqnn _))/interior_subset muEN; exists N; move: muEN.
rewrite /ball /= distrC subr0 ger0_norm // -[x in x < _]fineK ?ge0_fin_numE//.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ finA)// le_measure// ?inE// => ? [? _ []].
pose badn k := projT1 (cid (badn' k)); exists (\bigcup_k E k (badn k)); split.
- exact: bigcup_measurable.
- apply: (@le_lt_trans _ _ (eps / 2)%:E); first last.
by rewrite lte_fin ltr_pdivrMr // ltr_pMr // Rint_ltr_addr1 // Rint1.
apply: le_trans.
apply: (measure_sigma_subadditive _ (fun k => mE k (badn k)) _ _) => //.
exact: bigcup_measurable.
apply: le_trans; first last.
by apply: (epsilon_trick0 xpredT); rewrite divr_ge0// ltW.
by rewrite lee_nneseries // => n _; exact/ltW/(projT2 (cid (badn' _))).
apply/uniform_restrict_cvg => /= U /=; rewrite !uniform_nbhsT.
case/nbhs_ex => del /= ballU; apply: filterS; first by move=> ?; exact: ballU.
have [N _ /(_ N)/(_ (leqnn _)) Ndel] := near_infty_natSinv_lt del.
exists (badn N) => // r badNr x.
rewrite /patch; case: ifPn => // /set_mem xAB; apply: (lt_trans _ Ndel).
move: xAB; rewrite setDE => -[Ax]; rewrite setC_bigcup => /(_ N I).
rewrite /E setC_bigcup => /(_ r) /=; rewrite /h => /(_ badNr) /not_andP[]//.
by move/negP; rewrite ltNge // distrC.

Lemma ae_pointwise_almost_uniform
(f : (T -> R)^nat) (g : T -> R) (A : set T) (eps : R) :
(forall n, measurable_fun A (f n)) -> measurable_fun A g ->
measurable A -> mu A < +oo ->
{ae mu, (forall x, A x -> f ^~ x @ \oo --> g x)} ->
(0 < eps)%R -> exists B, [/\ measurable B, mu B < eps%:E &
{uniform A `\` B, f @ \oo --> g}].
move=> mf mg mA Afin [C [mC C0 nC] epspos].
have [B [mB Beps Bunif]] : exists B, [/\ d.-measurable B, mu B < eps%:E &
{uniform (A `\` C) `\` B, f @\oo --> g}].
apply: pointwise_almost_uniform => //.
- by move=> n; apply : (measurable_funS mA _ (mf n)) => ? [].
- by apply: measurableI => //; exact: measurableC.
- by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ Afin)// le_measure// inE//; exact: measurableD.
- by move=> x; rewrite setDE; case => Ax /(subsetC nC); rewrite setCK; exact.
exists (B `|` C); split.
- exact: measurableU.
- by apply: (le_lt_trans _ Beps); rewrite measureU0.
- by rewrite setUC -setDDl.

End egorov.

(* This module contains a direct construction of the Lebesgue measure that is
kept here for archival purpose. The Lebesgue measure is actually defined as
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2461,101 +2553,6 @@ Qed.

End negligible_outer_measure.

Section egorov.
Context d {R : realType} {T : measurableType d}.
Context (mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}).

Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

(*TODO : this generalizes to any metric space with a borel measure*)
Lemma pointwise_almost_uniform
(f : (T -> R)^nat) (g : T -> R) (A : set T) (eps : R) :
(forall n, measurable_fun A (f n)) ->
measurable A -> mu A < +oo -> (forall x, A x -> f ^~ x @ \oo --> g x) ->
(0 < eps)%R -> exists B, [/\ measurable B, mu B < eps%:E &
{uniform A `\` B, f @ \oo --> g}].
move=> mf mA finA fptwsg epspos; pose h q (z : T) : R := `|f q z - g z|%R.
have mfunh q : measurable_fun A (h q).
apply: measurableT_comp => //; apply: measurable_funB => //.
exact: measurable_fun_cvg.
pose E k n := \bigcup_(i >= n) (A `&` [set x | h i x >= k.+1%:R^-1]%R).
have Einc k : nonincreasing_seq (E k).
move=> n m nm; apply/asboolP => z [i] /= /(leq_trans _) mi [? ?].
by exists i => //; exact: mi.
have mE k n : measurable (E k n).
apply: bigcup_measurable => q /= ?.
have -> : [set x | h q x >= k.+1%:R^-1]%R = h q @^-1` `[k.+1%:R^-1, +oo[.
by rewrite eqEsubset; split => z; rewrite /= in_itv /= andbT.
exact: mfunh.
have nEcvg x k : exists n, A x -> (~` E k n) x.
have [Ax|?] := pselect (A x); last by exists point.
have [] := fptwsg _ Ax (interior (ball (g x) k.+1%:R^-1)).
by apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split; [exact: open_interior|exact: nbhsx_ballx].
move=> N _ Nk; exists N.+1 => _; rewrite /E setC_bigcup => i /= /ltnW Ni.
apply/not_andP; right; apply/negP; rewrite /h -real_ltNge // distrC.
by case: (Nk _ Ni) => _/posnumP[?]; apply; exact: ball_norm_center.
have Ek0 k : \bigcap_n (E k n) = set0.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => // z /=; suff : (~` \bigcap_n E k n) z by [].
rewrite setC_bigcap; have [Az | nAz] := pselect (A z).
by have [N /(_ Az) ?] := nEcvg z k; exists N.
by exists 0%N => //; rewrite setC_bigcup => n _ [].
have badn' k : exists n, mu (E k n) < ((eps / 2) / (2 ^ k.+1)%:R)%:E.
pose ek : R := eps / 2 / (2 ^ k.+1)%:R.
have : mu \o E k @ \oo --> mu set0.
rewrite -(Ek0 k); apply: nonincreasing_cvg_mu => //.
- by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ finA)// le_measure// ?inE// => ? [? _ []].
- exact: bigcap_measurable.
rewrite measure0; case/fine_cvg/(_ (@interior R^o (ball 0%R ek))).
apply/open_nbhs_nbhs/(open_nbhs_ball _ (@PosNum _ ek _)).
by rewrite !divr_gt0.
move=> N _ /(_ N (leqnn _))/interior_subset muEN; exists N; move: muEN.
rewrite /ball /= distrC subr0 ger0_norm // -[x in x < _]fineK ?ge0_fin_numE//.
by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ finA)// le_measure// ?inE// => ? [? _ []].
pose badn k := projT1 (cid (badn' k)); exists (\bigcup_k E k (badn k)); split.
- exact: bigcup_measurable.
- apply: (@le_lt_trans _ _ (eps / 2)%:E); first last.
by rewrite lte_fin ltr_pdivrMr // ltr_pMr // Rint_ltr_addr1 // Rint1.
apply: le_trans.
apply: (measure_sigma_subadditive _ (fun k => mE k (badn k)) _ _) => //.
exact: bigcup_measurable.
apply: le_trans; first last.
by apply: (epsilon_trick0 xpredT); rewrite divr_ge0// ltW.
by rewrite lee_nneseries // => n _; exact/ltW/(projT2 (cid (badn' _))).
apply/uniform_restrict_cvg => /= U /=; rewrite !uniform_nbhsT.
case/nbhs_ex => del /= ballU; apply: filterS; first by move=> ?; exact: ballU.
have [N _ /(_ N)/(_ (leqnn _)) Ndel] := near_infty_natSinv_lt del.
exists (badn N) => // r badNr x.
rewrite /patch; case: ifPn => // /set_mem xAB; apply: (lt_trans _ Ndel).
move: xAB; rewrite setDE => -[Ax]; rewrite setC_bigcup => /(_ N I).
rewrite /E setC_bigcup => /(_ r) /=; rewrite /h => /(_ badNr) /not_andP[]//.
by move/negP; rewrite ltNge // distrC.

Lemma ae_pointwise_almost_uniform
(f : (T -> R)^nat) (g : T -> R) (A : set T) (eps : R) :
(forall n, measurable_fun A (f n)) -> measurable_fun A g ->
measurable A -> mu A < +oo ->
{ae mu, (forall x, A x -> f ^~ x @ \oo --> g x)} ->
(0 < eps)%R -> exists B, [/\ measurable B, mu B < eps%:E &
{uniform A `\` B, f @ \oo --> g}].
move=> mf mg mA Afin [C [mC C0 nC] epspos].
have [B [mB Beps Bunif]] : exists B, [/\ d.-measurable B, mu B < eps%:E &
{uniform (A `\` C) `\` B, f @\oo --> g}].
apply: pointwise_almost_uniform => //.
- by move=> n; apply : (measurable_funS mA _ (mf n)) => ? [].
- by apply: measurableI => //; exact: measurableC.
- by rewrite (le_lt_trans _ Afin)// le_measure// inE//; exact: measurableD.
- by move=> x; rewrite setDE; case => Ax /(subsetC nC); rewrite setCK; exact.
exists (B `|` C); split.
- exact: measurableU.
- by apply: (le_lt_trans _ Beps); rewrite measureU0.
- by rewrite setUC -setDDl.

End egorov.

Section lebesgue_regularity.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context {R : realType}.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3017,7 +3014,7 @@ End vitali_theorem.
Section vitali_theorem_corollary.
Context {R : realType} (A : set R) (B : nat -> set R).

Lemma vitali_coverS (F : set nat) (O : set R^o) : open O -> A `<=` O ->
Lemma vitali_coverS (F : set nat) (O : set R) : open O -> A `<=` O ->
vitali_cover A B F -> vitali_cover A B (F `&` [set k | B k `<=` O]).
move=> oO AO [Bball ABF]; split => // x Ax r r0.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3119,7 +3116,7 @@ have [c Hc] : exists c : {posnum R},
rewrite -measure_bigcup -?ge0_fin_numE//=.
by move=> i _; exact: vitali_cover_mclosure ABF.
by move/(@nneseries_tail_cvg _ _ (mem G)); exact.
move/fine_cvgP => [_] /(@cvgrPdist_lt _ R^o) /(_ _ e0)[n _ /=] nGe.
move/fine_cvgP => [_] /cvgrPdist_lt /(_ _ e0)[n _ /=] nGe.
have [c nc] : exists c : {posnum R}, forall k,
(c%:num > (radius (B k))%:num)%R -> (k >= n)%N.
pose x := (\big[minr/(radius (B 0))%:num]_(i < n.+1) (radius (B i))%:num)%R.
Expand Down

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