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affeldt-aist committed May 17, 2023
1 parent 4ab51ed commit 7244ef8
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Showing 2 changed files with 42 additions and 57 deletions.
79 changes: 33 additions & 46 deletions theories/prob_lang.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ Lemma measurable_fun_mscore U : measurable_fun setT f ->
measurable_fun setT (mscore ^~ U).
move=> mr; under eq_fun do rewrite mscoreE/=.
have [U0|U0] := eqVneq U set0; first exact: measurable_fun_cst.
by apply: measurable_funT_comp => //; exact: measurable_funT_comp.
have [U0|U0] := eqVneq U set0; first exact: measurable_cst.
by apply: measurableT_comp => //; exact: measurableT_comp.

End mscore.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -160,13 +160,12 @@ Lemma measurable_fun_k i U : measurable U -> measurable_fun setT (k mf i ^~ U).
move=> /= mU; rewrite /k /= (_ : (fun x => _) =
(fun x => if i%:R%:E <= x < i.+1%:R%:E then x else 0) \o (mscore f ^~ U)) //.
apply: measurable_funT_comp => /=; last exact/measurable_fun_mscore.
apply: measurableT_comp => /=; last exact/measurable_fun_mscore.
rewrite (_ : (fun x => _) = (fun x => x *
(\1_(`[i%:R%:E, i.+1%:R%:E [%classic : set _) x)%:E)); last first.
apply/funext => x; case: ifPn => ix; first by rewrite indicE/= mem_set ?mule1.
by rewrite indicE/= memNset ?mule0// /= in_itv/=; exact/negP.
apply: emeasurable_funM => /=; first exact: measurable_fun_id.
apply: emeasurable_funM => //=; apply/EFin_measurable_fun.
by rewrite (_ : \1__ = mindic R (emeasurable_itv `[(i%:R)%:E, (i.+1%:R)%:E[)).

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,9 +258,8 @@ move=> /= mcU; rewrite /kiteT.
rewrite (_ : (fun _ => _) =
(fun x => if x.2 then k x.1 U else mzero U)); last first.
by apply/funext => -[t b]/=; case: ifPn.
apply: (@measurable_fun_if_pair _ _ _ _ (k ^~ U) (fun=> mzero U)).
exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: (@measurable_fun_if_pair _ _ _ _ (k ^~ U) (fun=> mzero U)) => //.

Expand All @@ -276,7 +274,7 @@ Let sfinite_kiteT : exists2 k_ : (R.-ker _ ~> _)^nat,
forall n, measure_fam_uub (k_ n) &
forall x U, measurable U -> kiteT k x U = mseries (k_ ^~ x) 0 U.
have [k_ hk /=] := sfinite k.
have [k_ hk /=] := sfinite_kernel k.
exists (fun n => [the _.-ker _ ~> _ of kiteT (k_ n)]) => /=.
move=> n; have /measure_fam_uubP[r k_r] := measure_uub (k_ n).
by exists r%:num => /= -[x []]; rewrite /kiteT//= /mzero//.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -316,8 +314,7 @@ move=> /= mcU; rewrite /kiteF.
rewrite (_ : (fun x => _) =
(fun x => if x.2 then mzero U else k x.1 U)); last first.
by apply/funext => -[t b]/=; rewrite if_neg//; case: ifPn.
apply: (@measurable_fun_if_pair _ _ _ _ (fun=> mzero U) (k ^~ U)).
exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: (@measurable_fun_if_pair _ _ _ _ (fun=> mzero U) (k ^~ U)) => //.

Expand All @@ -334,7 +331,7 @@ Let sfinite_kiteF : exists2 k_ : (R.-ker _ ~> _)^nat,
forall n, measure_fam_uub (k_ n) &
forall x U, measurable U -> kiteF k x U = mseries (k_ ^~ x) 0 U.
have [k_ hk /=] := sfinite k.
have [k_ hk /=] := sfinite_kernel k.
exists (fun n => [the _.-ker _ ~> _ of kiteF (k_ n)]) => /=.
move=> n; have /measure_fam_uubP[r k_r] := measure_uub (k_ n).
by exists r%:num => /= -[x []]; rewrite /kiteF//= /mzero//.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -409,7 +406,7 @@ Definition ret (f : X -> Y) (mf : measurable_fun setT f)
: R.-pker X ~> Y := [the R.-pker _ ~> _ of kdirac mf].

Definition sample (P : pprobability Y R) : R.-pker X ~> Y :=
[the R.-pker _ ~> _ of kprobability (measurable_fun_cst P)].
[the R.-pker _ ~> _ of kprobability (measurable_cst P)].

Definition normalize (k : R.-sfker X ~> Y) P : X -> probability Y R :=
fun x => [the probability _ _ of mnormalize k P x].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,9 +483,8 @@ Lemma letin_kret (k : R.-sfker X ~> Y)
move=> mU; rewrite letinE.
under eq_integral do rewrite retE.
rewrite integral_indic ?setIT//.
move/measurable_fun_prod1 : mf => /(_ x measurableT U mU).
by rewrite setTI.
rewrite integral_indic ?setIT// -[X in measurable X]setTI.
exact: (measurableT_comp mf).

Lemma letin_retk
Expand All @@ -498,8 +494,7 @@ Lemma letin_retk
letin (ret mf) k x U = k (x, f x) U.
move=> mU; rewrite letinE retE integral_dirac ?indicT ?mul1e//.
have /measurable_fun_prod1 := measurable_kernel k _ mU.
exact: (measurableT_comp (measurable_kernel k _ mU)).

End letin_return.
Expand All @@ -517,8 +512,8 @@ Section hard_constraint.
Context d d' (X : measurableType d) (Y : measurableType d') (R : realType).

Definition fail :=
letin (score (@measurable_fun_cst _ _ X _ setT (0%R : R)))
(ret (@measurable_fun_cst _ _ _ Y setT point)).
letin (score (@measurable_cst _ _ X _ setT (0%R : R)))
(ret (@measurable_cst _ _ _ Y setT point)).

Lemma failE x U : fail x U = 0.
Proof. by rewrite /fail letinE ge0_integral_mscale//= normr0 mul0e. Qed.
Expand All @@ -528,13 +523,13 @@ Arguments fail {d d' X Y R}.

Module Notations.

Notation var1of2 := (@measurable_fun_fst _ _ _ _).
Notation var2of2 := (@measurable_fun_snd _ _ _ _).
Notation var1of3 := (measurable_funT_comp (@measurable_fun_fst _ _ _ _)
(@measurable_fun_fst _ _ _ _)).
Notation var2of3 := (measurable_funT_comp (@measurable_fun_snd _ _ _ _)
(@measurable_fun_fst _ _ _ _)).
Notation var3of3 := (@measurable_fun_snd _ _ _ _).
Notation var1of2 := (@measurable_fst _ _ _ _).
Notation var2of2 := (@measurable_snd _ _ _ _).
Notation var1of3 := (measurableT_comp (@measurable_fst _ _ _ _)
(@measurable_fst _ _ _ _)).
Notation var2of3 := (measurableT_comp (@measurable_snd _ _ _ _)
(@measurable_fst _ _ _ _)).
Notation var3of3 := (@measurable_snd _ _ _ _).

Notation mR := Real_sort__canonical__measure_Measurable.
Notation munit := Datatypes_unit__canonical__measure_Measurable.
Expand All @@ -545,10 +540,10 @@ End Notations.
Section cst_fun.
Context d (T : measurableType d) (R : realType).

Definition kr (r : R) := @measurable_fun_cst _ _ T _ setT r.
Definition kr (r : R) := @measurable_cst _ _ T _ setT r.
Definition k3 : measurable_fun _ _ := kr 3%:R.
Definition k10 : measurable_fun _ _ := kr 10%:R.
Definition ktt := @measurable_fun_cst _ _ T _ setT tt.
Definition ktt := @measurable_cst _ _ T _ setT tt.

End cst_fun.
Arguments kr {d T R}.
Expand All @@ -572,7 +567,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma scoreE d' (T' : measurableType d') (x : T * T') (U : set T') (f : R -> R)
(r : R) (r0 : (0 <= r)%R)
(f0 : (forall r, 0 <= r -> 0 <= f r)%R) (mf : measurable_fun setT f) :
score (measurable_funT_comp mf var2of2)
score (measurableT_comp mf var2of2)
(x, r) (curry (snd \o fst) x @^-1` U) =
(f r)%:E * \d_x.2 U.
Proof. by rewrite /score/= /mscale/= ger0_norm// f0. Qed.
Expand All @@ -581,7 +576,7 @@ Lemma score_score (f : R -> R) (g : R * unit -> R)
(mf : measurable_fun setT f)
(mg : measurable_fun setT g) :
letin (score mf) (score mg) =
score (measurable_funM mf (measurable_fun_prod2 tt mg)).
score (measurable_funM mf (measurableT_comp mg (measurable_pair2 tt))).
apply/eq_sfkernel => x U.
rewrite {1}/letin; unlock.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -653,8 +648,7 @@ rewrite integral_kcomp; [|by []|].
- apply: eq_integral => y _.
apply: eq_integral => z _.
by rewrite (vv' y).
have /measurable_fun_prod1 := @measurable_kernel _ _ _ _ _ v _ mA.
exact: (measurableT_comp (measurable_kernel v _ mA)).

End letinA.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -699,10 +693,10 @@ HB.instance Definition _ z := @Measure_isSFinite_subdef.Build _ Y R
Lemma letinC z A : measurable A ->
letin t
(letin u'
(ret (measurable_fun_pair var2of3 var3of3))) z A =
(ret (measurable_fun_prod var2of3 var3of3))) z A =
letin u
(letin t'
(ret (measurable_fun_pair var3of3 var2of3))) z A.
(ret (measurable_fun_prod var3of3 var2of3))) z A.
move=> mA.
rewrite !letinE.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -774,11 +768,7 @@ Qed.

Lemma mpoisson k : measurable_fun setT (poisson k).
apply: measurable_funM => /=.
apply: measurable_funM => //=; last exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: measurable_funT_comp; last exact: measurable_fun_opp.
by apply: continuous_measurable_fun; exact: continuous_expR.
by apply: measurable_funM => /=; [exact: measurable_funM|exact: measurableT_comp].

Definition poisson3 := poisson 4 3%:R. (* 0.168 *)
Expand All @@ -801,11 +791,8 @@ Proof. by move=> r0; rewrite /exp_density mulr_ge0// expR_ge0. Qed.

Lemma mexp_density x : measurable_fun setT (exp_density x).
apply: measurable_funM => /=; first exact: measurable_fun_id.
apply: measurable_funT_comp.
by apply: continuous_measurable_fun; exact: continuous_expR.
apply: measurable_funM => /=; first exact: measurable_fun_opp.
exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: measurable_funM => //=; apply: measurableT_comp => //.
exact: measurable_funM.

End exponential.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -909,7 +896,7 @@ Definition kstaton_bus : R.-sfker T ~> mbool :=
letin (sample [the probability _ _ of bernoulli p27])
(letin (ite var2of2 (ret k3) (ret k10))
(score (measurable_funT_comp mh var3of3)))
(score (measurableT_comp mh var3of3)))
(ret var2of3)).

Definition staton_bus := normalize kstaton_bus.
Expand Down
20 changes: 9 additions & 11 deletions theories/wip.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,15 +51,13 @@ Definition mgauss01 (V : set R) :=
Lemma measurable_fun_gauss_density m s :
measurable_fun setT (gauss_density m s).
apply: measurable_funM; first exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: measurable_funT_comp => /=.
by apply: continuous_measurable_fun; apply continuous_expR.
apply: measurable_funM; last exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: measurable_funT_comp => /=; first exact: measurable_fun_opp.
apply: measurable_fun_exprn.
apply: measurable_funM => /=; last exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: measurable_funD => //; first exact: measurable_fun_id.
exact: measurable_fun_cst.
apply: measurable_funM => //=.
apply: measurableT_comp => //=.
apply: measurable_funM => //=.
apply: measurableT_comp => //=.
apply: measurableT_comp (measurable_exprn _) _ => /=.
apply: measurable_funM => //=.
exact: measurable_funD.

Let mgauss010 : mgauss01 set0 = 0%E.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,7 +110,7 @@ Let f1 (x : R) := (gauss01_density x) ^-1.

Let mf1 : measurable_fun setT f1.
apply: (measurable_fun_comp (F := [set r : R | r != 0%R])) => //.
apply: (measurable_comp (F := [set r : R | r != 0%R])) => //.
- exact: open_measurable.
- by move=> /= r [t _ <-]; rewrite gt_eqF// gauss_density_gt0.
- apply: open_continuous_measurable_fun => //.
Expand All @@ -125,7 +123,7 @@ Variable mu : {measure set mR R -> \bar R}.
Definition staton_lebesgue : R.-sfker T ~> _ :=
letin (sample (@gauss01 R))
(score (measurable_funT_comp mf1 var2of2))
(score (measurableT_comp mf1 var2of2))
(ret var2of3)).

Lemma staton_lebesgueE x U : measurable U ->
Expand Down

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