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extending hoelders lemma
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jmmarulang committed Nov 13, 2024
1 parent 6a37d42 commit 8de5058
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Showing 2 changed files with 699 additions and 447 deletions.
251 changes: 251 additions & 0 deletions theories/ehoelder.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2017 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg ssrnum ssrint interval finmap.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality fsbigop signed reals ereal.
From mathcomp Require Import topology normedtype sequences real_interval.
From mathcomp Require Import esum measure lebesgue_measure lebesgue_integral.
From mathcomp Require Import numfun exp convex itv.

(* # Hoelder's Inequality *)
(* *)
(* This file provides Hoelder's inequality. *)
(* ``` *)
(* 'N[mu]_p[f] := (\int[mu]_x (`|f x| `^ p)%:E) `^ p^-1 *)
(* The corresponding definition is Lnorm. *)
(* ``` *)
(* *)

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Import Order.TTheory GRing.Theory Num.Def Num.Theory.
Import numFieldTopology.Exports.

Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.

Reserved Notation "'N[ mu ]_ p [ F ]"
(at level 5, F at level 36, mu at level 10,
format "'[' ''N[' mu ]_ p '/ ' [ F ] ']'").
(* for use as a local notation when the measure is in context: *)
Reserved Notation "'N_ p [ F ]"
(at level 5, F at level 36, format "'[' ''N_' p '/ ' [ F ] ']'").

Section extended_essential_supremum.
Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Context d {T : semiRingOfSetsType d} {R : realType}.
Variable mu : {measure set T -> \bar R}.
Implicit Types (f : T -> \bar R).

Definition ess_supe f :=
ereal_inf ([set r | mu ([set x | r < f x]%E) = 0]%E). (* '[r, +oo] ? *)

Definition ess_infe f := - ess_supe (\- f).

Lemma ess_supe_ge0 f : 0 < mu setT -> (forall t, 0%E <= f t) ->
0 <= ess_supe f.
move=> H H0. apply: lb_ereal_inf. move => r /= /eqP H1.
case r eqn:H2;
rewrite ?le0y // leNgt;
apply/negP => r0; apply/negP : H1;
rewrite -preimage_itv_o_infty gt_eqF// (_ : f @^-1` _ = setT)//=
?setIidr //=; apply/seteqP; split => // x _ /=;
rewrite in_itv/= (lt_le_trans _ (H0 x)) //= leey //.
Lemma ess_infe_le0 f : 0 < mu setT -> (forall t, f t <= 0) -> ess_infe f <= 0.
move => H H0. rewrite /ess_infe oppe_le0.
apply : ess_supe_ge0. rewrite //=. move => t.
rewrite oppe_ge0 //.

Lemma ess_infe_ge0 f : 0 < mu setT -> (forall t, 0%E <= f t) ->
0 <= ess_infe f.
move => H H0.
rewrite /ess_infe oppe_ge0 /ess_supe.
apply ereal_inf_le.
rewrite exists2E.
exists 0. split; rewrite //=.
have H1 : [set x | 0%R < - f x] = set0.
- apply eq_set => x.
have H1 := H0 x.
rewrite -falseE oppe_gt0.
rewrite leNgt in H1; apply negbTE in H1.
rewrite H1 //=.
by rewrite H1.

Lemma aku (S : set (\bar R)) : S != set0 ->
- ereal_sup S = ereal_sup (-%E @` S).
move => H. rewrite /ereal_sup / supremum. rewrite (negPf H).
have H0 := negP H.
case: ifPn => H1.
- have H2 := (image_set0_set0 (eqP H1)).
move : H1; by rewrite H2 (image_set0 -%E) -{1}H2.
Check @xgetPex (\bar R) -oo (supremums S).

End extended_essential_supremum.

Declare Scope Lnorme_scope.

Definition ifpoweR {R : realType} (x : \bar R) r :=
if x is x'%:E
then (x' `^ r)%:E
if x is +oo then
if r == 0%R then 1 else +oo
if r == 0%R then 1 else 0%R.
Lemma poweR_ifpoweR {R : realType} : @poweR R = ifpoweR.
by apply funext => x; case : x => [r| //= | //=].

Definition lne {R : realType} (x : \bar R) :=
match x with
| x'%:E => (ln x')%:E
| +oo => +oo
| -oo => 0

Definition geo_mean {d} {T : measurableType d} {R : realType} (P : probability T R) (g : T -> \bar R) :=
expeR (\int[P]_x (lne (g x)))%E.

HB.lock Definition Lnorme {d} {T : measurableType d} {R : realType} (P : probability T R)
(p : \bar R) (f : T -> \bar R) :=
match p with
| p%:E => (if p == 0%R then
geo_mean P f
(\int[P]_x (`|f x| `^ p)) `^ p^-1)%E
| +oo%E => (if P [set: T] > 0 then ess_supe P (abse \o f) else 0)%E
| -oo%E => (if P [set: T] > 0 then ess_infe P (abse \o f) else 0)%E
Canonical locked_Lnorme := Unlockable Lnorme.unlock.
Arguments Lnorme {d T R} P p f.

Section Lnorme_properties.
Context d {T : measurableType d} {R : realType}.
Variable P : probability T R.
Local Open Scope ereal_scope.
Implicit Types (p : \bar R) (f g : T -> \bar R) (r : R).

Local Notation "'Ne_ p [ f ]" := (Lnorme P p f).

Lemma Lnorm1 f : 'Ne_1[f] = \int[P]_x `|f x|.
rewrite unlock oner_eq0 invr1// poweRe1//.
- by apply : eq_integral => t _; rewrite poweRe1.
- by apply : integral_ge0 => t _; rewrite poweRe1.

Lemma Lnorme_ge0 p f : 0 <= 'Ne_p[f].
rewrite unlock. move : p => [r/=|/=|//].
- case: ifPn => // _;
rewrite ?/geo_mean ?expeR_ge0 ?poweR_ge0//.
- case: ifPn => H //; rewrite ess_supe_ge0 //;
move => t; rewrite compE //=.
- case: ifPn => H //; rewrite ess_infe_ge0 //.
move => t; rewrite compE //=.

Lemma eq_Lnorme p f g : f =1 g -> 'Ne_p[f] = 'Ne_p[g].
move => H; congr Lnorme; exact /funext.

Lemma measurable_poweR r :
measurable_fun [set: \bar R] (@poweR R ^~ r).
move => _ /= B H.
rewrite setIidr; last first.
apply subsetT.
Print poweR.
rewrite [X in measurable X]
(_ : (poweR^~ r @^-1` B) =
if (r == 0%R) then (
if 1 \in B then [set : \bar R] else set0 )
(B `&` [set +oo]) `|` (if 0 \in B then [set -oo] else set0) `|`
EFin @` (
@powR R ^~ r @^-1` (fine @` (B `\` [set -oo; +oo]))
); last first.
case (r == 0%R) eqn:H0; apply/seteqP;
split => [a //= H1 //= | a //= H1 //=].
- (*r == 0*)
move : H1; rewrite (eqP H0) //= => H1.
-- split => //=; apply poweRe0.
-- destruct H1 as [H1 H2]; apply H1.
- (*r != 0*)
-- (*B <= B*)
move : H1; rewrite /poweR H0 => H1.
case a as [s| | ].
--- (*a = s %:E*)
exists s; last first => //=.
exists (s%:E `^ r); last first => //=.
split => //=. rewrite not_orE //=.
--- (*a = +oo*)
repeat left; split => //=; rewrite not_orE //=.
--- (*a = -oo*)
left. right. case : ifPn => //=. move => H2.
rewrite notin_setE in H2. contradiction.
-- (*B <= A*)
--- case H1.
---- case.
----- move => H2. destruct H2 as [H2 H3].
by move : H2; rewrite H3 //= H0.
----- case : ifPn => //=. move => H2 H3.
rewrite H3 //= H0. by rewrite in_setE in H2.
---- move => H2. destruct H2 as [b [c [H2 H3]] H4].
rewrite not_orE in H3. destruct H3 as [H3 H6].
case c as [s | | ].
----- move : H5 H2 => //= => H5.
by rewrite H5 -H4 poweR_EFin.
----- contradiction.
----- contradiction.


Lemma Lnorme_eq0_eq0 r f :
(0 < r)%R ->
measurable_fun setT f ->
'Ne_r%:E[f] = 0 ->
ae_eq P [set: T] (fun t => (`|f t| `^ r)) (cst 0).
move => H H0. rewrite unlock (gt_eqF H) => /poweR_eq0_eq0 H1.
apply/ae_eq_integral_abs => //=.
Search (poweR).
apply: (@measurableT_comp _ _ _ _ _ _ (@poweR R ^~ r)) => //=.

End Lnorme_properties.

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