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Wedge fun (#1398)
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* trying to fix joint continuity

* functions on wedges

* linting


Co-authored-by: Reynald Affeldt <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
zstone1 and affeldt-aist authored Nov 17, 2024
1 parent 11d5cf6 commit 97d0779
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Showing 4 changed files with 212 additions and 15 deletions.
12 changes: 11 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
`wedge_compact`, `wedge_connected`.

- in `boolp.`:
+ lemma `existT_inj`
+ lemma `existT_inj2`
- in file `order_topology.v`
+ new lemmas `min_continuous`, `min_fun_continuous`, `max_continuous`, and
Expand All @@ -102,6 +102,16 @@
+ new lemmas `continuous_curry_fun`, `continuous_curry_cvg`,
`eval_continuous`, and `compose_continuous`

- in file `wedge_sigT.v`,
+ new definitions `wedge_fun`, and `wedge_prod`.
+ new lemmas `wedge_fun_continuous`, `wedge_lift_funE`,
`wedge_fun_comp`, `wedge_prod_pointE`, `wedge_prod_inj`,
`wedge_prod_continuous`, `wedge_prod_open`, `wedge_hausdorff`, and

- in `boolp.v`:
+ lemmas `existT_inj1`, `surjective_existT`

### Changed

- in file `normedtype.v`,
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions classical/boolp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,13 +88,21 @@ move=> PQA; suff: {x | P x /\ Q x} by move=> [a [*]]; exists a.
by apply: cid; case: PQA => x; exists x.

Lemma existT_inj (A : eqType) (P : A -> Type) (p : A) (x y : P p) :
existT P p x = existT P p y -> x = y.
Lemma existT_inj1 (T : Type) (P : T -> Type) (x y : T) (Px : P x) (Py : P y) :
existT P x Px = existT P y Py -> x = y.
Proof. by case. Qed.

Lemma existT_inj2 (T : eqType) (P : T -> Type) (x : T) (Px1 Px2 : P x) :
existT P x Px1 = existT P x Px2 -> Px1 = Px2.
apply: Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec => a b.
by have [|/eqP] := eqVneq a b; [left|right].
apply: Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec => y z.
by have [|/eqP] := eqVneq y z; [left|right].

Lemma surjective_existT (T : Type) (P : T -> Type) (p : {x : T & P x}):
existT [eta P] (projT1 p) (projT2 p) = p.
Proof. by case: p. Qed.

Record mextensionality := {
_ : forall (P Q : Prop), (P <-> Q) -> (P = Q);
_ : forall {T U : Type} (f g : T -> U),
Expand Down
197 changes: 188 additions & 9 deletions theories/homotopy_theory/wedge_sigT.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2024 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop.
From mathcomp Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms.
Require Import EqdepFacts.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality fsbigop reals signed topology.
From mathcomp Require Import separation_axioms function_spaces.

(* # wedge sum for sigT *)
Expand All @@ -19,7 +18,14 @@ Require Import EqdepFacts.
(* wedge_lift i == the lifting of elements of (X i) into the wedge *)
(* pwedge p0 == the wedge of ptopologicalTypes at their designated *)
(* point *)
(* wedge_fun f == lifts a family of functions on each component into *)
(* a function on the wedge, when they all agree at the *)
(* wedge point *)
(* wedge_prod == the mapping from the wedge as a quotient of sums to *)
(* the wedge as a subspace of the product topology. *)
(* It's an embedding when the index is finite. *)
(* ``` *)
(* *)
(* The type `wedge p0` is endowed with the structures of: *)
(* - topology via `quotient_topology` *)
(* - quotient *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,14 +114,14 @@ have : open (\bigcup_i (@wedge_lift i @` (@wedge_lift i @^-1` U))).
rewrite eqEsubset; split => x /=.
by move=> Ux; exists i => //; exists x.
case=> j _ /= [] y Uy /eqmodP /predU1P[R|].
have E : j = i by move: R; exact: eq_sigT_fst.
by rewrite -E in x R *; rewrite -(existT_inj R).
have E : j = i by move: R; apply: existT_inj1.
by rewrite -E in x R *; rewrite -(existT_inj2 R).
case/andP => /eqP/= + /eqP -> => yj.
by rewrite yj (wedge_liftE x y) in Uy.
congr open; rewrite eqEsubset; split => /= z.
by case=> i _ /= [x] Ux <-.
move=> Uz; exists (projT1 (repr z)) => //=.
by exists (projT2 (repr z)); rewrite /wedge_lift /= -sigT_eta reprK.
by exists (projT2 (repr z)); rewrite /wedge_lift /= surjective_existT reprK.

Lemma wedge_point_nbhs i0 :
Expand All @@ -135,7 +141,7 @@ exists W; split.
- apply/wedge_openP => i; rewrite /W; have [+ Vpj _] := projT2 (V_ i).
congr (_ _); rewrite eqEsubset; split => z; first by move=> Viz; exists i.
case => j _ /= [] w /= svw /eqmodP /predU1P[[E]|].
by rewrite E in w svw * => R; rewrite -(existT_inj R).
by rewrite E in w svw * => R; rewrite -(existT_inj2 R).
by case/andP => /eqP /= _ /eqP ->.
- by exists i0 => //=; exists (p0 i0) => //; have [_ + _] := projT2 (V_ i0).
- by move=> ? [j _ [x ? <-]]; have [_ _] := projT2 (V_ j); exact.
Expand All @@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ Qed.
Lemma wedgeTE : \bigcup_i (@wedge_lift i) @` setT = [set: wedge].
rewrite -subTset => z _; rewrite -[z]reprK; exists (projT1 (repr z)) => //.
by exists (projT2 (repr z)) => //; rewrite /wedge_lift/= -sigT_eta.
by exists (projT2 (repr z)) => //; rewrite /wedge_lift/= surjective_existT.

Lemma wedge_compact : finite_set [set: I] -> (forall i, compact [set: X i]) ->
Expand All @@ -186,6 +192,179 @@ move=> i ? /=; apply: connected_continuous_connected => //.

Definition wedge_fun {Z : Type} (f : forall i, X i -> Z) : wedge -> Z :=
sigT_fun f \o repr.

Lemma wedge_fun_continuous {Z : topologicalType} (f : forall i, X i -> Z) :
(forall i, continuous (f i)) -> (forall i j, f i (p0 i) = f j (p0 j)) ->
continuous (wedge_fun f).
move=> cf fE; apply: repr_comp_continuous; first exact: sigT_continuous.
move=> a b /eqP/eqmodP /predU1P[-> //|/andP[/eqP + /eqP +]].
by rewrite /sigT_fun /= => -> ->; exact/eqP.

Lemma wedge_lift_funE {Z : Type} (f : forall i, X i -> Z) i0 (a : X i0):
(forall i j, f i (p0 i) = f j (p0 j)) -> wedge_fun f (wedge_lift a) = f i0 a.
move=> fE.
rewrite /wedge_fun/= /sigT_fun /=; case: piP => z /= /eqmodP.
by move/predU1P => [<- //|/andP[/= /eqP -> /eqP ->]].

Lemma wedge_fun_comp {Z1 Z2 : Type} (h : Z1 -> Z2) (f : forall i, X i -> Z1) :
h \o wedge_fun f = wedge_fun (fun i => h \o f i).
Proof. exact/funext. Qed.

(* The wedge maps into the product
\bigcup_i [x | x j = p0 j when j != i]
For the box topology, it's an embedding. But more practically,
since the box and product agree when `I` is finite,
we get that the finite wedge embeds into the finite product.
Section wedge_as_product.

Definition wedge_prod : wedge -> prod_topology X := wedge_fun (dfwith p0).

Lemma wedge_prod_pointE (i j : I) : dfwith p0 i (p0 i) = dfwith p0 j (p0 j).
apply: functional_extensionality_dep => k /=.
by case: dfwithP => [|*]; case: dfwithP.

Lemma wedge_prod_inj : injective wedge_prod.
have dfwithp0 := wedge_prod_pointE.
move=> a b; rewrite -[a](@reprK _ wedge) -[b](@reprK _ wedge).
move Ea : (repr a)=> [i x]; move Eb : (repr b) => [j y].
rewrite /wedge_prod !wedge_lift_funE//= => dfij; apply/eqmodP/orP.
have [E|E /=] := eqVneq i j.
rewrite -{}E in x y Ea Eb dfij *; left; apply/eqP; congr existT.
have : dfwith p0 i x i = dfwith p0 i y i by rewrite dfij.
by rewrite !dfwithin.
right; apply/andP; split; apply/eqP.
- have : dfwith p0 i x i = dfwith p0 j y i by rewrite dfij.
by rewrite dfwithin => ->; rewrite dfwithout // eq_sym.
- have : dfwith p0 i x j = dfwith p0 j y j by rewrite dfij.
by rewrite dfwithin => <-; rewrite dfwithout.

Lemma wedge_prod_continuous : continuous wedge_prod.
apply: wedge_fun_continuous; last exact: wedge_prod_pointE.
exact: dfwith_continuous.

Lemma wedge_prod_open (x : wedge) (A : set wedge) :
finite_set [set: I] ->
(forall i, closed [set p0 i]) ->
nbhs x A ->
@nbhs _ (subspace (range wedge_prod)) (wedge_prod x) (wedge_prod @` A).
move=> fsetI clI; case: wedge_nbhs_specP => [//|i0 bcA|i z zNp0 /= wNz].
pose B_ i : set (subspace (range wedge_prod)) :=
proj i @^-1` (@wedge_lift i @^-1` A).
have /finite_fsetP[fI fIE] := fsetI.
have /filterS : (\bigcap_(i in [set` fI]) B_ i) `&` range wedge_prod
`<=` wedge_prod @` A.
move=> _ [] /[swap] [] [z _] <- /= Bwz; exists z => //.
have /Bwz : [set` fI] (projT1 (repr z)) by rewrite -fIE.
congr (A _); rewrite /wedge_lift /= -[RHS]reprK.
apply/eqmodP/orP; left; rewrite /proj /=.
by rewrite /wedge_prod/= /wedge_fun /sigT_fun/= dfwithin surjective_existT.
apply; apply/nbhs_subspace_ex; first by exists (wedge_lift (p0 i0)).
exists (\bigcap_(i in [set` fI]) B_ i); last by rewrite -setIA setIid.
apply: filter_bigI => i _; rewrite /B_; apply: proj_continuous.
have /bcA : [set: I] i by [].
congr (nbhs _ _).
rewrite /proj /wedge_prod wedge_lift_funE; first by case: dfwithP.
exact: wedge_prod_pointE.
rewrite [x in nbhs x _]/wedge_prod /= wedge_lift_funE; first last.
exact: wedge_prod_pointE.
have : wedge_prod @` (A `&` (@wedge_lift i @` ~`[set p0 i]))
`<=` wedge_prod @` A.
by move=> ? [] ? [] + /= [w] wpi => /[swap] <- Aw <-; exists (wedge_lift w).
move/filterS; apply; apply/nbhs_subspace_ex.
exists (wedge_lift z) => //.
by rewrite /wedge_prod wedge_lift_funE //; exact: wedge_prod_pointE.
exists (proj i @^-1` (@wedge_lift i @^-1`
(A `&` (@wedge_lift i @` ~`[set p0 i])))).
apply/ proj_continuous; rewrite /proj dfwithin preimage_setI; apply: filterI.
exact: wNz.
have /filterS := @preimage_image _ _ (@wedge_lift i) (~` [set p0 i]).
by apply; apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split; [exact: closed_openC|exact/eqP].
rewrite eqEsubset; split => // prodX; case => /[swap] [][] r _ <- /=.
case => _ /[swap] /wedge_prod_inj -> [+ [e /[swap]]] => /[swap].
move=> <- Awe eNpi; rewrite /proj /wedge_prod /=.
rewrite wedge_lift_funE; last exact: wedge_prod_pointE.
rewrite dfwithin; split => //; first by split => //; exists e.
exists (wedge_lift e) => //.
by rewrite wedge_lift_funE //; exact: wedge_prod_pointE.
case=> /[swap] [][y] yNpi E Ay.
have [riE|R] := eqVneq i (projT1 (repr r)); last first.
apply: absurd yNpi.
move: E; rewrite /proj/wedge_prod /wedge_fun /=/sigT_fun /=.
rewrite dfwithout //; last by rewrite eq_sym.
by case/eqmodP/orP => [/eqP E|/andP[/= /eqP//]]; exact: (existT_inj2 E).
split; exists (wedge_lift y); [by split; [rewrite E | exists y]| |by []|].
- congr wedge_prod; rewrite E.
rewrite /proj /wedge_prod /wedge_fun /=/sigT_fun.
by rewrite riE dfwithin /wedge_lift /= surjective_existT reprK.
- congr wedge_prod; rewrite E.
rewrite /proj /wedge_prod /wedge_fun /=/sigT_fun.
by rewrite riE dfwithin /wedge_lift /= surjective_existT reprK.

End wedge_as_product.

Lemma wedge_hausdorff :
(forall i, hausdorff_space (X i)) -> hausdorff_space wedge.
move=> /hausdorff_product hf x y clxy.
apply/wedge_prod_inj/hf => U V /wedge_prod_continuous nU.
move=> /wedge_prod_continuous nV; have := clxy _ _ nU nV.
by case => z [/= ? ?]; exists (wedge_prod z).

Lemma wedge_fun_joint_continuous (T R : topologicalType)
(k : forall (x : I), T -> X x -> R):
finite_set [set: I] ->
(forall x, closed [set p0 x]) ->
(forall t x y, k x t (p0 x) = k y t (p0 y)) ->
(forall x, continuous (uncurry (k x))) ->
continuous (uncurry (fun t => wedge_fun (k^~ t))).
move=> Ifin clp0 kE kcts /= [t u] U.
case : (wedge_nbhs_specP u) => [//|i0 /=|].
rewrite wedge_lift_funE // => Ukp0.
have pq_ x : {PQ : set T * set (X x) | [/\ nbhs (p0 x) PQ.2,
nbhs t PQ.1 & PQ.1 `*` PQ.2 `<=` uncurry (k x) @^-1` U]}.
apply: cid.
move: Ukp0; rewrite (@kE t i0 x).
rewrite -[k x ]uncurryK /curry=> /kcts[[P Q] [Pt Qp0 pqU]].
by exists (P, Q).
have UPQ : nbhs (wedge_lift (p0 i0))
(\bigcup_x (@wedge_lift x) @` (projT1 (pq_ x)).2).
rewrite wedge_point_nbhs => r _.
by case: (projT2 (pq_ r)) => /filterS + ? ?; apply => z /= ?; exists r.
have /finite_fsetP [fI fIE] := Ifin.
have UPt : nbhs t (\bigcap_(r in [set` fI]) (projT1 (pq_ r)).1).
by apply: filter_bigI => x ?; case: (projT2 (pq_ x)).
near_simpl => /=; near=> t1 t2 => /=.
have [//|x _ [w /=] ? <-]:= near UPQ t2.
rewrite wedge_lift_funE //.
case: (projT2 (pq_ x)) => ? Npt /(_ (t1, w)) => /=; apply; split => //.
by apply: (near UPt t1) => //; rewrite -fIE.
move=> x {}u uNp0 /=; rewrite wedge_lift_funE //= -[k x]uncurryK /curry.
move/kcts; rewrite nbhs_simpl /= => -[[P Q] [Pt Qu] PQU].
have wQu : nbhs (wedge_lift u) ((@wedge_lift x) @` Q).
by rewrite -wedge_lift_nbhs //=; apply: filterS Qu => z; exists z.
near_simpl; near=> t1 t2 => /=.
have [//|l ? <-] := near wQu t2; rewrite wedge_lift_funE//.
by apply: (PQU (t1,l)); split => //; exact: (near Pt t1).
Unshelve. all: by end_near. Qed.

End wedge.

Section pwedge.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/separation_axioms.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ rewrite {}ji {j} in x y cl *.
congr existT; apply: hX => U V Ux Vy.
have [] := cl (existT X i @` U) (existT X i @` V); [exact: existT_nbhs..|].
move=> z [] [l Ul <-] [r Vr lr]; exists l; split => //.
by rewrite -(existT_inj lr).
by rewrite -(existT_inj2 lr).

End sigT_separations.

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