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replace original zorn lemma with georges'
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affeldt-aist committed Aug 6, 2024
1 parent 57a54d7 commit d17aefe
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Showing 5 changed files with 139 additions and 214 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -113,6 +113,15 @@
- in `classical_sets.v`:
+ lemmas `xsectionP`, `ysectionP`

- file `wochoice.v`:
+ definition `prop_within`
+ lemmas `withinW`, `withinT`, `sub_within`
+ notation `{in <= _, _}`
+ definitions `maximal`, `minimal`, `upper_bound`, `lower_bound`, `preorder`, `partial_order`,
`total_order`, `nonempty`, `minimum_of`, `maximum_of`, `well_order`, `chain`, `wo_chain`
+ lemmas `antisymmetric_wo_chain`, `antisymmetric_well_order`, `wo_chainW`, `wo_chain_reflexive`,
`wo_chain_antisymmetric`, `Zorn's_lemma`, `Hausdorff_maximal_principle`, `well_ordering_principle`

### Changed

- in `topology.v`:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -147,6 +156,9 @@
- moved from `lebesgue_integral.v` to `cardinality.v`:
+ hint `solve [apply: fimfunP]`

- in `classical_sets.v`:
+ lemmas `Zorn` and `ZL_preorder` now require a relation of type `rel T` instead of `T -> T -> Prop`

### Renamed

- in `constructive_ereal.v`:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,6 +254,9 @@

- in `topology.v`, `function_spaces.v`, `normedtype.v`:
+ local notation `to_set`
- in `classical_sets.v`:
+ inductive `tower`
+ lemma `ZL'`

### Infrastructure

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226 changes: 53 additions & 173 deletions classical/classical_sets.v
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect ssralg matrix finmap ssrnum.
From mathcomp Require Import ssrint interval.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp.
From mathcomp Require Import mathcomp_extra boolp wochoice.

(* # Set Theory *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2757,127 +2757,55 @@ End partitions.
#[deprecated(note="Use trivIset_setIl instead")]
Notation trivIset_setI := trivIset_setIl (only parsing).

Section Zorn.

Definition total_on T (A : set T) (R : T -> T -> Prop) :=
forall s t, A s -> A t -> R s t \/ R t s.

Section ZL.

Variable (T : Type) (t0 : T) (R : T -> T -> Prop).
Hypothesis (Rrefl : forall t, R t t).
Hypothesis (Rtrans : forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t).
Hypothesis (Rantisym : forall s t, R s t -> R t s -> s = t).
Hypothesis (tot_lub : forall A : set T, total_on A R -> exists t,
(forall s, A s -> R s t) /\ forall r, (forall s, A s -> R s r) -> R t r).
Hypothesis (Rsucc : forall s, exists t, R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t).

Let Teq := @gen_eqMixin T.
Let Tch := @gen_choiceMixin T.
Let Tp : pointedType := (* FIXME: use HB.pack *)
Pointed.Pack (@Pointed.Class T (isPointed.Axioms_ t0) Tch Teq).
Let lub := fun A : {A : set T | total_on A R} =>
[get t : Tp | (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, sval A s -> R s r) -> R t r].
Let succ := fun s => [get t : Tp | R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t].

Inductive tower : set T :=
| Lub : forall A, sval A `<=` tower -> tower (lub A)
| Succ : forall t, tower t -> tower (succ t).

Lemma ZL' : False.
have lub_ub (A : {A : set T | total_on A R}) :
forall s, sval A s -> R s (lub A).
suff /getPex [] : exists t : Tp, (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, sval A s -> R s r) -> R t r by [].
by apply: tot_lub; apply: (svalP A).
have lub_lub (A : {A : set T | total_on A R}) :
forall t, (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) -> R (lub A) t.
suff /getPex [] : exists t : Tp, (forall s, sval A s -> R s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, sval A s -> R s r) -> R t r by [].
by apply: tot_lub; apply: (svalP A).
have RS s : R s (succ s) /\ s <> succ s.
by have /getPex [? []] : exists t : Tp, R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t by apply: Rsucc.
have succS s : forall t, R s t -> R t (succ s) -> t = s \/ t = succ s.
by have /getPex [? []] : exists t : Tp, R s t /\ s <> t /\
forall r, R s r -> R r t -> r = s \/ r = t by apply: Rsucc.
suff Twtot : total_on tower R.
have [R_S] := RS (lub (exist _ tower Twtot)); apply.
by apply/Rantisym => //; apply/lub_ub/Succ/Lub.
move=> s t Tws; elim: Tws t => {s} [A sATw ihA|s Tws ihs] t Twt.
have [?|/asboolP] := pselect (forall s, sval A s -> R s t).
by left; apply: lub_lub.
rewrite asbool_neg => /existsp_asboolPn [s /asboolP].
rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn [As nRst]; right.
by have /lub_ub := As; apply: Rtrans; have [] := ihA _ As _ Twt.
suff /(_ _ Twt) [Rts|RSst] : forall r, tower r -> R r s \/ R (succ s) r.
by right; apply: Rtrans Rts _; have [] := RS s.
by left.
move=> r; elim=> {r} [A sATw ihA|r Twr ihr].
have [?|/asboolP] := pselect (forall r, sval A r -> R r s).
by left; apply: lub_lub.
rewrite asbool_neg => /existsp_asboolPn [r /asboolP].
rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn [Ar nRrs]; right.
by have /lub_ub := Ar; apply: Rtrans; have /ihA [] := Ar.
have [Rrs|RSsr] := ihr; last by right; apply: Rtrans RSsr _; have [] := RS r.
have : tower (succ r) by apply: Succ.
move=> /ihs [RsSr|]; last by left.
by have [->|->] := succS _ _ Rrs RsSr; [right|left]; apply: Rrefl.

End ZL.

Lemma Zorn T (R : T -> T -> Prop) :
Let total_on_wo_chain (T : Type) (R : rel T) (P : {pred T}) :
(forall A, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
wo_chain R P -> exists2 z, z \in predT & upper_bound R P z.
move: R P; elim/Peq : T => T R P Atot RP.
suff : total_on P R by move=> /Atot[t ARt]; exists t.
move=> s t Ps Pt; have [| |] := RP [predU (pred1 s) & (pred1 t)].
- by move=> x; rewrite !inE => /orP[/eqP ->{x}|/eqP ->{x}].
- by exists s; rewrite !inE eqxx.
- move=> x [[]]; rewrite !inE => /orP[/eqP ->{x}|/eqP ->{x}].
+ by move=> /(_ t); rewrite !inE eqxx orbT => /(_ isT) Rst _; left.
+ by move=> /(_ s); rewrite !inE eqxx => /(_ isT) Rts _; right.

Lemma Zorn (T : Type) (R : rel T) :
(forall t, R t t) -> (forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t) ->
(forall s t, R s t -> R t s -> s = t) ->
(forall A : set T, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
exists t, forall s, R t s -> s = t.
move=> Rrefl Rtrans Rantisym Rtot_max.
pose totR := {A : set T | total_on A R}.
set R' := fun A B : totR => sval A `<=` sval B.
have R'refl A : R' A A by [].
have R'trans A B C : R' A B -> R' B C -> R' A C by apply: subset_trans.
have R'antisym A B : R' A B -> R' B A -> A = B.
rewrite /R'; move: A B => [/= A totA] [/= B totB] sAB sBA.
by apply: eq_exist; rewrite predeqE=> ?; split=> [/sAB|/sBA].
have R'tot_lub A : total_on A R' -> exists t, (forall s, A s -> R' s t) /\
forall r, (forall s, A s -> R' s r) -> R' t r.
move=> Atot.
have AUtot : total_on (\bigcup_(B in A) (sval B)) R.
move=> s t [B AB Bs] [C AC Ct].
have [/(_ _ Bs) Cs|/(_ _ Ct) Bt] := Atot _ _ AB AC.
by have /(_ _ _ Cs Ct) := svalP C.
by have /(_ _ _ Bs Bt) := svalP B.
exists (exist _ (\bigcup_(B in A) sval B) AUtot); split.
by move=> B ? ? ?; exists B.
by move=> B Bub ? /= [? /Bub]; apply.
apply: contrapT => nomax.
have {}nomax t : exists s, R t s /\ s <> t.
have /asboolP := nomax; rewrite asbool_neg => /forallp_asboolPn /(_ t).
move=> /asboolP; rewrite asbool_neg => /existsp_asboolPn [s].
by move=> /asboolP; rewrite asbool_neg => /imply_asboolPn []; exists s.
have tot0 : total_on set0 R by [].
apply: (ZL' (exist _ set0 tot0)) R'tot_lub _ => // A.
have /Rtot_max [t tub] := svalP A; have [s [Rts snet]] := nomax t.
have Astot : total_on (sval A `|` [set s]) R.
move=> u v [Au|->]; last first.
by move=> [/tub Rvt|->]; right=> //; apply: Rtrans Rts.
move=> [Av|->]; [apply: (svalP A)|left] => //.
by apply: Rtrans Rts; apply: tub.
exists (exist _ (sval A `|` [set s]) Astot); split; first by move=> ? ?; left.
split=> [AeAs|[B Btot] sAB sBAs].
have [/tub Rst|] := pselect (sval A s); first exact/snet/Rantisym.
by rewrite AeAs /=; apply; right.
have [Bs|nBs] := pselect (B s).
by right; apply: eq_exist; rewrite predeqE => r; split=> [/sBAs|[/sAB|->]].
left; case: A tub Astot sBAs sAB => A Atot /= tub Astot sBAs sAB.
apply: eq_exist; rewrite predeqE => r; split=> [Br|/sAB] //.
by have /sBAs [|ser] // := Br; rewrite ser in Br.
move: R; elim/Peq : T => T R Rxx Rtrans Ranti Atot.
have [//| |P _ RP|] := @Zorn's_lemma _ R predT _.
- by move=> ? ? ? _ _ _; exact: Rtrans.
- exact: total_on_wo_chain.
by move=> x _ Rx; exists x => s Rxs; apply: (Ranti _ _ _ Rxs) => //; exact: Rx.

Definition premaximal T (R : T -> T -> Prop) (t : T) :=
forall s, R t s -> R s t.

Lemma ZL_preorder (T : Type) (t0 : T) (R : rel T) :
(forall t, R t t) -> (forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t) ->
(forall A, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
exists t, premaximal R t.
move: t0 R; elim/Peq : T => T t0 R Rxx Rtrans Atot.
have [//| | |z _ Hz] := @Zorn's_lemma T R predT.
- by move=> ? ? ? _ _ _; exact: Rtrans.
- by move=> A _ RA; exact: total_on_wo_chain.
by exists z => s Rzs; exact: Hz.

End Zorn.

Section Zorn_subset.
Variables (T : Type) (P : set (set T)).

Expand All @@ -2886,20 +2814,24 @@ Lemma Zorn_bigcup :
P (\bigcup_(X in F) X)) ->
exists A, P A /\ forall B, A `<` B -> ~ P B.
move=> totP; pose R (sA sB : P) := sval sA `<=` sval sB.
move=> totP; pose R (sA sB : P) := `[< sval sA `<=` sval sB >].
have {}totR F (FR : total_on F R) : exists sB, forall sA, F sA -> R sA sB.
have FP : [set val x | x in F] `<=` P.
by move=> _ [X FX <-]; apply: set_mem; apply: valP.
by move=> _ [X FX <-]; apply: set_mem; exact/valP.
have totF : total_on [set val x | x in F] subset.
by move=> _ _ [X FX <-] [Y FY <-]; apply: FR.
exists (SigSub (mem_set (totP _ FP totF))) => A FA; rewrite /R/=.
exact: (bigcup_sup (imageP val _)).
move=> _ _ [X FX <-] [Y FY <-].
by have [/asboolP|/asboolP] := FR _ _ FX FY; [left|right].
exists (SigSub (mem_set (totP _ FP totF))) => A FA.
exact/asboolP/(bigcup_sup (imageP val _)).
have [| | |sA sAmax] := Zorn _ _ _ totR.
- by move=> ?; exact: subset_refl.
- by move=> ? ? ?; exact: subset_trans.
- by move=> [A PA] [B PB]; rewrite /R /= => AB BA; exact/eq_exist/seteqP.
- by move=> ?; apply/asboolP; exact: subset_refl.
- by move=> ? ? ? /asboolP ? /asboolP st; apply/asboolP; exact: subset_trans st.
- by move=> [A PA] [B PB] /asboolP AB /asboolP BA; exact/eq_exist/seteqP.
- exists (val sA); case: sA => A PA /= in sAmax *; split; first exact: set_mem.
move=> B AB PB; have [BA] := sAmax (SigSub (mem_set PB)) (properW AB).
move=> B AB PB.
have : R (exist (fun x : T -> Prop => x \in P) A PA) (SigSub (mem_set PB)).
by apply/asboolP; exact: properW.
move=> /(sAmax (SigSub (mem_set PB)))[BA].
by move: AB; rewrite BA; exact: properxx.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2933,58 +2865,6 @@ Qed.

End maximal_disjoint_subcollection.

Definition premaximal T (R : T -> T -> Prop) (t : T) :=
forall s, R t s -> R s t.

Lemma ZL_preorder T (t0 : T) (R : T -> T -> Prop) :
(forall t, R t t) -> (forall r s t, R r s -> R s t -> R r t) ->
(forall A : set T, total_on A R -> exists t, forall s, A s -> R s t) ->
exists t, premaximal R t.
set Teq := @gen_eqMixin T; set Tch := @gen_choiceMixin T.
pose Tpo := isPointed.Build T t0.
pose Tp : pointedType := HB.pack T Teq Tch Tpo.
move=> Rrefl Rtrans tot_max.
set eqR := fun s t => R s t /\ R t s; set ceqR := fun s => [set t | eqR s t].
have eqR_trans r s t : eqR r s -> eqR s t -> eqR r t.
by move=> [Rrs Rsr] [Rst Rts]; split; [apply: Rtrans Rst|apply: Rtrans Rsr].
have ceqR_uniq s t : eqR s t -> ceqR s = ceqR t.
by rewrite predeqE => - [Rst Rts] r; split=> [[Rr rR] | [Rr rR]]; split;
try exact: Rtrans Rr; exact: Rtrans rR _.
set ceqRs := ceqR @` setT; set quotR := sig ceqRs.
have ceqRP t : ceqRs (ceqR t) by exists t.
set lift := fun t => exist _ (ceqR t) (ceqRP t).
have lift_surj (A : quotR) : exists t : Tp, lift t = A.
case: A => A [t Tt ctA]; exists t; rewrite /lift; case : _ / ctA.
have lift_inj s t : eqR s t -> lift s = lift t.
by move=> eqRst; apply/eq_exist/ceqR_uniq.
have lift_eqR s t : lift s = lift t -> eqR s t.
move=> cst; have ceqst : ceqR s = ceqR t by have := congr1 sval cst.
by rewrite [_ s]ceqst; split; apply: Rrefl.
set repr := fun A : quotR => get [set t : Tp | lift t = A].
have repr_liftE t : eqR t (repr (lift t))
by apply: lift_eqR; have -> := getPex (lift_surj (lift t)).
set R' := fun A B : quotR => R (repr A) (repr B).
have R'refl A : R' A A by apply: Rrefl.
have R'trans A B C : R' A B -> R' B C -> R' A C by apply: Rtrans.
have R'antisym A B : R' A B -> R' B A -> A = B.
move=> RAB RBA; have [t tA] := lift_surj A; have [s sB] := lift_surj B.
rewrite -tA -sB; apply: lift_inj; apply (eqR_trans _ _ _ (repr_liftE t)).
have eAB : eqR (repr A) (repr B) by [].
rewrite tA; apply: eqR_trans eAB _; rewrite -sB.
by have [] := repr_liftE s.
have [A Atot|A Amax] := Zorn R'refl R'trans R'antisym.
have /tot_max [t tmax] : total_on [set repr B | B in A] R.
by move=> ?? [B AB <-] [C AC <-]; apply: Atot.
exists (lift t) => B AB; have [Rt _] := repr_liftE t.
by apply: Rtrans Rt; apply: tmax; exists B.
exists (repr A) => t RAt.
have /Amax <- : R' A (lift t).
by have [Rt _] := repr_liftE t; apply: Rtrans Rt.
by have [] := repr_liftE t.

Section UpperLowerTheory.
Import Order.TTheory.
Variables (d : Order.disp_t) (T : porderType d).
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion classical/mathcomp_extra.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2022 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
Require Import BinPos.
From mathcomp Require choice.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect finmap ssralg ssrnum ssrint rat.
From mathcomp Require Import finset interval.

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