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Wedges part 1 (#1384)
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* wedges_part1


Co-authored-by: Reynald Affeldt <[email protected]>
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zstone1 and affeldt-aist authored Nov 10, 2024
1 parent e792f1a commit f5097d5
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Showing 7 changed files with 233 additions and 6 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -77,6 +77,18 @@
+ new lemmas `swap_continuous`, `prodA_continuous`, and

- file `homotopy_theory/homotopy.v`
- file `homotopy_theory/wedge_sigT.v`
- in file `homotopy_theory/wedge_sigT.v`
+ new definitions `wedge_rel`, `wedge`, `wedge_lift`, `pwedge`.
+ new lemmas `wedge_lift_continuous`, `wedge_lift_nbhs`,
`wedge_liftE`, `wedge_openP`,
`wedge_pointE`, `wedge_point_nbhs`, `wedge_nbhs_specP`, `wedgeTE`,
`wedge_compact`, `wedge_connected`.

- in `boolp.`:
+ lemma `existT_inj`

### Changed

- in file `normedtype.v`,
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions _CoqProject
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,9 @@ theories/topology_theory/quotient_topology.v


Expand Down
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions classical/boolp.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -88,6 +88,13 @@ move=> PQA; suff: {x | P x /\ Q x} by move=> [a [*]]; exists a.
by apply: cid; case: PQA => x; exists x.

Lemma existT_inj (A : eqType) (P : A -> Type) (p : A) (x y : P p) :
existT P p x = existT P p y -> x = y.
apply: Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec => a b.
by have [|/eqP] := eqVneq a b; [left|right].

Record mextensionality := {
_ : forall (P Q : Prop), (P <-> Q) -> (P = Q);
_ : forall {T U : Type} (f g : T -> U),
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions theories/Make
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ topology_theory/quotient_topology.v


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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions theories/homotopy_theory/homotopy.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2024 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From mathcomp Require Export wedge_sigT.
202 changes: 202 additions & 0 deletions theories/homotopy_theory/wedge_sigT.v
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@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
(* mathcomp analysis (c) 2024 Inria and AIST. License: CeCILL-C. *)
From HB Require Import structures.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra finmap generic_quotient.
From mathcomp Require Import boolp classical_sets functions.
From mathcomp Require Import cardinality mathcomp_extra fsbigop.
From mathcomp Require Import reals signed topology separation_axioms.
Require Import EqdepFacts.

(* # wedge sum for sigT *)
(* A foundational construction for homotopy theory. It glues a dependent sum *)
(* at a single point. It's classicaly used in the proof that every free group *)
(* is a fundamental group of some space. We also will use it as part of our *)
(* construction of paths and path concatenation. *)
(* ``` *)
(* wedge_rel p0 x y == x and y are equal, or they are (p0 i) and *)
(* (p0 j) for some i and j *)
(* wedge p0 == the quotient of {i : X i} along `wedge_rel p0` *)
(* wedge_lift i == the lifting of elements of (X i) into the wedge *)
(* pwedge p0 == the wedge of ptopologicalTypes at their designated *)
(* point *)
(* ``` *)
(* The type `wedge p0` is endowed with the structures of: *)
(* - topology via `quotient_topology` *)
(* - quotient *)
(* *)
(* The type `pwedge` is endowed with the structures of: *)
(* - topology via `quotient_topology` *)
(* - quotient *)
(* - pointed *)
(* *)

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Local Open Scope classical_set_scope.
Local Open Scope ring_scope.
Local Open Scope quotient_scope.

Section wedge.
Context {I : choiceType} (X : I -> topologicalType) (p0 : forall i, X i).
Implicit Types i : I.

Let wedge_rel' (a b : {i & X i}) :=
(a == b) || ((projT2 a == p0 _) && (projT2 b == p0 _)).

Local Lemma wedge_rel_refl : reflexive wedge_rel'.
Proof. by move=> ?; rewrite /wedge_rel' eqxx. Qed.

Local Lemma wedge_rel_sym : symmetric wedge_rel'.
by move=> a b; apply/is_true_inj/propext; rewrite /wedge_rel'; split;
rewrite (eq_sym b) andbC.

Local Lemma wedge_rel_trans : transitive wedge_rel'.
move=> a b c /predU1P[-> //|] + /predU1P[<- //|]; rewrite /wedge_rel'.
by move=> /andP[/eqP -> /eqP <-] /andP[_ /eqP <-]; rewrite !eqxx orbC.

Definition wedge_rel := EquivRel _ wedge_rel_refl wedge_rel_sym wedge_rel_trans.
Global Opaque wedge_rel.

Definition wedge := {eq_quot wedge_rel}.
Definition wedge_lift i : X i -> wedge := \pi_wedge \o existT X i.

HB.instance Definition _ := Topological.copy wedge (quotient_topology wedge).
HB.instance Definition _ := Quotient.on wedge.
Global Opaque wedge.

Lemma wedge_lift_continuous i : continuous (@wedge_lift i).
Proof. by move=> ?; apply: continuous_comp => //; exact: pi_continuous. Qed.

HB.instance Definition _ i :=
@isContinuous.Build _ _ (@wedge_lift i) (@wedge_lift_continuous i).

Lemma wedge_lift_nbhs i (x : X i) :
closed [set p0 i] -> x != p0 _ -> @wedge_lift i @ x = nbhs (@wedge_lift _ x).
move=> clx0 xNx0; rewrite eqEsubset; split => U; first last.
by move=> ?; exact: wedge_lift_continuous.
rewrite ?nbhsE /= => -[V [oV Vx VU]].
exists (@wedge_lift i @` (V `&` ~` [set p0 i])); first last.
by move=> ? /= [l] [Vl lx] <-; exact: VU.
split; last by exists x => //; split => //=; exact/eqP.
rewrite /open /= /quotient_open /wedge_lift /=.
suff -> : \pi_wedge @^-1` (@wedge_lift i @` (V `&` ~`[set p0 i])) =
existT X i @` (V `&` ~` [set p0 i]).
by apply: existT_open_map; apply: openI => //; exact: closed_openC.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => t /= [l [Vl] lNx0]; last by move=> <-; exists l.
by case/eqmodP/predU1P => [<-|/andP [/eqP]//]; exists l.

Lemma wedge_liftE i (x : X i) j (y : X j) :
wedge_lift (p0 j) = wedge_lift (p0 i).
Proof. by apply/eqmodP/orP; right; rewrite !eqxx. Qed.

Lemma wedge_openP (U : set wedge) :
open U <-> forall i, open (@wedge_lift i @^-1` U).
split=> [oU i|oiU].
by apply: open_comp => // x _; exact: wedge_lift_continuous.
have : open (\bigcup_i (@wedge_lift i @` (@wedge_lift i @^-1` U))).
apply/sigT_openP => i; move: (oiU i); congr open.
rewrite eqEsubset; split => x /=.
by move=> Ux; exists i => //; exists x.
case=> j _ /= [] y Uy /eqmodP /predU1P[R|].
have E : j = i by move: R; exact: eq_sigT_fst.
by rewrite -E in x R *; rewrite -(existT_inj R).
case/andP => /eqP/= + /eqP -> => yj.
by rewrite yj (wedge_liftE x y) in Uy.
congr open; rewrite eqEsubset; split => /= z.
by case=> i _ /= [x] Ux <-.
move=> Uz; exists (projT1 (repr z)) => //=.
by exists (projT2 (repr z)); rewrite /wedge_lift /= -sigT_eta reprK.

Lemma wedge_point_nbhs i0 :
nbhs (wedge_lift (p0 i0)) = \bigcap_i (@wedge_lift i @ p0 i).
rewrite eqEsubset; split => //= U /=; rewrite ?nbhs_simpl.
case=> V [/= oV Vp] VU j _; apply: wedge_lift_continuous.
apply: (filterS VU); first exact: (@nbhs_filter wedge).
apply: open_nbhs_nbhs; split => //.
by rewrite (wedge_liftE (p0 i0)).
move=> Uj; have V_ : forall i, {V : set (X i) |
[/\ open V, V (p0 i) & V `<=` @wedge_lift i @^-1` U]}.
move=> j; apply: cid; have /Uj : [set: I] j by [].
by rewrite nbhsE /= => -[B [? ? ?]]; exists B.
pose W := \bigcup_i (@wedge_lift i) @` (projT1 (V_ i)).
exists W; split.
- apply/wedge_openP => i; rewrite /W; have [+ Vpj _] := projT2 (V_ i).
congr (_ _); rewrite eqEsubset; split => z; first by move=> Viz; exists i.
case => j _ /= [] w /= svw /eqmodP /predU1P[[E]|].
by rewrite E in w svw * => R; rewrite -(existT_inj R).
by case/andP => /eqP /= _ /eqP ->.
- by exists i0 => //=; exists (p0 i0) => //; have [_ + _] := projT2 (V_ i0).
- by move=> ? [j _ [x ? <-]]; have [_ _] := projT2 (V_ j); exact.

Variant wedge_nbhs_spec (z : wedge) : wedge -> set_system wedge -> Type :=
| wedge_liftsPoint i0 :
wedge_nbhs_spec z (wedge_lift (p0 i0)) (\bigcap_i (@wedge_lift i @ p0 i))
| WedgeNotPoint (i : I) (x : X i) of (x != p0 i):
wedge_nbhs_spec z (wedge_lift x) (@wedge_lift i @ x).

Lemma wedge_nbhs_specP (z : wedge) : (forall i, closed [set p0 i]) ->
wedge_nbhs_spec z z (nbhs z).
move=> clP; rewrite -[z](@reprK _ wedge); case: (repr z) => i x.
have [->|xpi] := eqVneq x (p0 i).
by rewrite wedge_point_nbhs => /=; exact: wedge_liftsPoint.
by rewrite /= -wedge_lift_nbhs //; exact: WedgeNotPoint.

Lemma wedgeTE : \bigcup_i (@wedge_lift i) @` setT = [set: wedge].
rewrite -subTset => z _; rewrite -[z]reprK; exists (projT1 (repr z)) => //.
by exists (projT2 (repr z)) => //; rewrite /wedge_lift/= -sigT_eta.

Lemma wedge_compact : finite_set [set: I] -> (forall i, compact [set: X i]) ->
compact [set: wedge].
move=> fsetI cptX; rewrite -wedgeTE -fsbig_setU //; apply: big_ind.
- exact: compact0.
- by move=> ? ? ? ?; exact: compactU.
move=> i _; apply: continuous_compact; last exact: cptX.

Lemma wedge_connected : (forall i, connected [set: X i]) ->
connected [set: wedge].
move=> ctdX; rewrite -wedgeTE.
have [I0|/set0P[i0 Ii0]] := eqVneq [set: I] set0.
rewrite [X in connected X](_ : _ = set0); first exact: connected0.
by rewrite I0 bigcup_set0.
apply: bigcup_connected.
exists (@wedge_lift i0 (p0 _)) => i Ii; exists (p0 i) => //.
exact: wedge_liftE.
move=> i ? /=; apply: connected_continuous_connected => //.

End wedge.

Section pwedge.
Context {I : pointedType} (X : I -> ptopologicalType).

Definition pwedge := wedge (fun i => @point (X i)).

Let pwedge_point : pwedge := wedge_lift _ (@point (X (@point I))).

HB.instance Definition _ := Topological.on pwedge.
HB.instance Definition _ := Quotient.on pwedge.
HB.instance Definition _ := isPointed.Build pwedge pwedge_point.

End pwedge.
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions theories/separation_axioms.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1114,12 +1114,11 @@ Lemma perfectTP_ex {T} : perfect_set [set: T] <->
forall (U : set T), open U -> U !=set0 ->
exists x y, [/\ U x, U y & x != y] .
apply: iff_trans; first exact: perfectTP; split.
apply: (iff_trans perfectTP); split.
move=> nx1 U oU [] x Ux; exists x.
have : U <> [set x] by move=> Ux1; apply: (nx1 x); rewrite -Ux1.
apply: contra_notP; move/not_existsP/contrapT=> Uyx; rewrite eqEsubset.
(split => //; last by move=> ? ->); move=> y Uy; have /not_and3P := Uyx y.
by case => // /negP; rewrite negbK => /eqP ->.
apply: contra_notP => /not_existsP/contrapT=> Uyx; rewrite eqEsubset.
by split => [y Uy|? ->//]; have /not_and3P[//|//|/negP/negPn/eqP] := Uyx y.
move=> Unxy x Ox; have [] := Unxy _ Ox; first by exists x.
by move=> y [] ? [->] -> /eqP.
Expand All @@ -1140,8 +1139,7 @@ rewrite {}ji {j} in x y cl *.
congr existT; apply: hX => U V Ux Vy.
have [] := cl (existT X i @` U) (existT X i @` V); [exact: existT_nbhs..|].
move=> z [] [l Ul <-] [r Vr lr]; exists l; split => //.
rewrite (Eqdep_dec.inj_pair2_eq_dec _ _ _ _ _ _ lr)// in Vr.
by move=> a b; exact: pselect.
by rewrite -(existT_inj lr).

End sigT_separations.

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