Implementation in cybersecurity
- Utilized Random Forest model to classify normal and anomaly network traffic in NSL-KDD dataset, and optimized the model’s hyperparameters through applying GridSearchCV method. Increased accuracy score from 95.31% to 99.28%.
- Implemented ARP cache poisoning attacks in three different methods including ARP request(who-has), ARP reply(is-at), and ARP gratuitous message(destination IP and MAC addresses are Broadcast address).
Utilized network sniffing techniques to filter ICMP echo request packets(type 8) on specific network interfaces within a subnet and spoofed ICMP echo reply packets(type 0) to their source IP addresses.
Implemented a traceroute program in Python with the ability to send ICMP packets with time-to-live field and automatically calculate the number of hops between two hosts(including DNS server).
Developed a TCP SYN flooding attack program, with multiprocessing functionality, targeting on certain host and port and leading the network resource exhausted.
Developed a TCP RST attack program with sequence number auto-detection for interrupting TELNET or SSH connections between client and server.
- Observation the entropy in random number generator in C.
Computed the private key in the RSA algorithm. (Given p, q, e)
Encrypted and encrypted messages with RSA algorithm.
Implemented digital signature with RSA algorithm.