Bugfixes over 2.0.0.
- [#1845] Fix
An AbstractController::DoubleRenderError occurred in spaces#index
. - [#1857] Fix wrong tooltips and confirmation message when removing spaces in the administration pages.
- [#1872] Fix
undefined method 'find_by_id_with_disabled'
. - [#1873] Fix
undefined method 'name' for nil:NilClass at app/models/join_request.rb:76:in 'role'
. - [#1890] Fix
undefined method '[]' for nil:NilClass on ApplicationController#append_info_to_payload
. - [#1859] Global administrators are now not able to change their password if they didn't use local authentication to sign in, the same way normal users aren't able to.
- [#1854] Some forms were being filled by the browser with saved username/password but they shouldn't. These forms fixed were: form admins use to create users (users/create), form to register a user (registrations/_signup_form) and the form to edit a user (users/edit).
- [#1892] Moved the translations of the names of the available languages out of the locale files, now they are configured directly in the application.
See also: