[SDK-4405] - [PASS] Request password node base handle before calling to command f (fetchnodes)
[SDK-4394] - Assertion `!fetchingnodes' failed
[SDK-4374] - [SAO] Change alphabetical order to match web client.
[SDK-4353] - iOS Bindings - Fix crash when accessing text property in MegaEvent
[SDK-4284] - Logs of integration tests are sometimes being truncated
[SDK-4280] - FUSE integration test incorrectly comparing emails when checking for invitations from another user
[SDK-4100] - SdkTest.SdkNodeDescription test failed
[SDK-4055] - Investigate Account creation on PasswordManager MegaApi client type
[SDK-3299] - Issue notifing sync file state when all versions are removed
[SDK-4387] - Unexpected -1 as total progress response for request
[SDK-4359] - Add Unit tests for user attr interfaces in User class
[SDK-4356] - Make sure the FUSE integration tests give each client a recognizable name.
[SDK-4328] - Move release creation scripts inside automation directory in SDK repo
[SDK-4298] - Tidy up clang format and remove deprecated rules
[SDK-4262] - Check if SDK can be build with 16Kb page size
[SDK-4257] - Create Java bindings with CMake+SWIG
[SDK-4386] - Android Bindings - Update syncFolder binding
[SDK-4381] - Android Bindings - Add getTransferData binding
[SDK-4354] - [CC] - Android Binding - Update getRecentActionsAsync binding to include excludeSenstives
[SDK-4341] - iOS Binding - Update getRecentActionsAsync binding to include excludeSenstives
[SDK-4205] - Avoid having sensitive information in the config file of release automation scripts
[SDK-3779] - Refactor mega::gfx::TimeoutMs
[SDK-3754] - Refactor ScopeGuard
[SDK-3707] - Remove mandatory client initialization steps
[SDK-4329] - Create release candidates with release creation scripts
[SDK-3990] - [SAT] .megaignore.default should be updated using legacy rules whenever possible.
[SDK-3975] - Automatically patch a release
Target apps
Android 14.5
MEGAsync 5.6.0 RC1
iOS 16.0
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